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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Not in any measurable sense
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 04:39:15 am EST
Reply Subj: That's can't be good.
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 01:53:24 am EST (Viewed 439 times)

> If Hatman needs some insight into the criminal underworld all he has to do is ask Chiaki. Unless, of course, he's afraid of getting the answer. She also probably has an idea of what's going on in GMY, which might be helpful to the Lair Legion.

I didn't explore this aspect since this isn't really a Lair Legion story, but I assume that there's a whole lot of intelligence-gathering going on, with input not just from Chiaki but also SPUD, Indiana Gnome, Champagne, the Scholar Ghouls, Hallie, Gideon Book, Con Johnstantine, and other even less authodox sources.

Jay's natural reaction is to turn first to his team-mates, so its probably Yuki Shiron and Lee Bookman who pull this stuff together for team briefings. The LL keep a big holographic threat board in their Operations Room and you can bet there's a tag there now for Deadeyes (as there are for Akiko and Frankie and Mayor Klein); for the moment they're all green-flagged "watch and wait".

> I guess if Vendredi dislikes Chinese so much he might take offense to Liu Xi?

I'm maybe doing an injustice to the 1930s but I don't expect Ventredi to have modern views on racial equality. But he's also mentioning what he believes are the largest overseas criminal cartels muscling in on the US - the Russian mafia, the Tongs, and the criminals who formerly participated in the IRA. Ventredi's old Italian; he doesn't like the Irish.

> And I'm wondering if there's going to be a meeting at some point between Vendredi and Frankie of the Zoot Suit Gang. After all, they're nearly in the same territory, but Vendredi thinks Frankie is classy. And Vendredi needs the numbers Frankie has for control of GMY.

Ventredi would probably cut a deal with Frankie for his grandfather's sake. I've been careful to keep regular gangster cast like Akiko (and by default Frankie) at arms length though, because Deadeyes is a shade nastier than they are and close association might harm their character concepts, and because if Deadeyes eventually gets brought down it means they can stay out of a storyline that might otherwise bring them into final conflict with the LL.

My assumption is that the Zoot Suit Gang operate independently in both GMY and Paradopolis, and where they're in alliance territory they hand over their "license fee" as per agreement. If they come in as muscle to help out one of the five families or whoever then the money passes the other way.

In terms of gang activity, I don't really see the Zooters or Akiko being much into drug running or the nastier elements of prostitution. They're probably more into the illegal betting syndicates, fight clubs, loan sharking, protection, and fencing. The Zoot Suit Gang at least probably still operate as a "caper" gang, planning one-off crimes against rich targets; after all, that's the interesting bit.

Akiko comes from the old Yakuza tradition, which grew from a strange mixture of criminal activity and community social welfare and genuine protection. She probably puts back as much as she takes into her Mangatown and Hong Kong territories in terms of unofficial law enforcement and welfare support - at least for those who acknowledge fealty to her.

Deadeyes would like to think he does the same for GMY, but he;s actually kidding himself. He's a nasty bastard who likes to play "godfather" and command "respect". He'd donate $1000 to a struggling church but next day have the priest beaten up for saying something he doesn't like. The social veneer is only thin, and only a cover.

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