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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Probably not.
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 05:27:02 pm EST
Reply Subj: What about an immeasurable one?
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 02:16:04 pm EST (Viewed 454 times)

> > Jay's natural reaction is to turn first to his team-mates, so its probably Yuki Shiron and Lee Bookman who pull this stuff together for team briefings. The LL keep a big holographic threat board in their Operations Room and you can bet there's a tag there now for Deadeyes (as there are for Akiko and Frankie and Mayor Klein); for the moment they're all green-flagged "watch and wait".

> I thought there might be a slight trust issue involved too. Jay knows that Chiaki used to be into things he'd rather not know about, and he probably also would rather know if she's still in contact with those people. He also knows that Chiaki is a woman of many secrets, that out of a sense of honor she might refuse tell him things he would like to know - and because he doesn't want that kind of conflict with her, he doesn't ask, and looks for the information his own way instead.

Hatty tends to be pretty black and white.

> But that could also lead to him not asking when she is willing to tell. Chiaki always has a lot on her mind to sort through - she doesn't usually take initiative and tell the Lair Legion everything she hears unless she senses imminent danger. In other words, some of the things Jay might want to know, he won't because he "never asked".

There's also the question of what can reasonably be LL business and what thed team can't or shouldn't interfere with.

> Oh, and I'm sure Jay also doesn't want to know about Yuki chatting up Frankie for information.

Probably not.

> > > I guess if Vendredi dislikes Chinese so much he might take offense to Liu Xi?
> > I'm maybe doing an injustice to the 1930s but I don't expect Ventredi to have modern views on racial equality. But he's also mentioning what he believes are the largest overseas criminal cartels muscling in on the US - the Russian mafia, the Tongs, and the criminals who formerly participated in the IRA. Ventredi's old Italian; he doesn't like the Irish.
> As I said once before, if Vendredi becomes insulting to Liu Xi he can expect cursing in two different languages.

Obscenities wouldn't really bother Deadeyes from a source he doesn't respect.

> And ironically, before I forget to mention it, the Psychic Samurai is as good at making threats that aren't really threats as Vendredi. She learned from the best, Akiko Masamune.


> Frankie has always been slippery enough to avoid conflict with the LL. Why do you think he talks to Yuki so readily?

The LL tend not to get involved in non-metahuman crime on a regular basis for the same reason that the army doesn't regularly go after pickpockets - they're not well suited to the task.

> Akiko is the funniest mystery, in that regard, that I accidentally created. Chiaki is technically retired from her gang, but she keeps close ties to Akiko, and also to the Lair Legion. You have to wonder if Chiaki is in that precarious position purposely or by accident, and whether Akiko planned it that way in part. Because it does indeed keep Akiko from being under the Lair Legion spotlight, since most of her actions are transparent through Chiaki.

And let us not forget that Vizh long since became a "family member" of Clan Masamune.

> The Zoots have the numbers to take on the GMY PD - so it's likely they don't because take payoffs from or do "business with" the crooked police and chiefs in the city. They also specialize in clubs, gambling (and naturally loan sharking goes with that), grey and black market, and neighborhood protection. They usually outsource the dirty work like assassinations and making examples out of individuals.

I got the impression that the Zoots were primarily Paradopolis based though.

> Their signatures, that they're famous for, is intimidating and stealing rare items from other high-profile criminals (like the Lynchpin) and getting away with it. It doesn't make them any money, but it does give them street credit.

It could also paint a target on them.

> When accused of befriending criminals, Chaiki usually describes Akiko has having more honor and honesty than most of the politicians and police who pretend to run the city while taking money under the table.

She has her good points and her dark side.

> > Deadeyes would like to think he does the same for GMY, but he;s actually kidding himself. He's a nasty bastard who likes to play "godfather" and command "respect". He'd donate $1000 to a struggling church but next day have the priest beaten up for saying something he doesn't like. The social veneer is only thin, and only a cover.

> Eventually that might lead to a friendly chat with Yuki. Yuki doesn't make threats, she just breaks things until people listen.

Ventedi fought his way to power from the gutters. He's learned the hard way not to cave to force.

> If Chiaki speaks with him at all, though, it'll be on calm, friendly terms. Chiaki didn't earn her reputation as someone who's highly charismatic for nothing.


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