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Subj: Needs more pinstripes, but otherwise good.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 at 06:18:32 pm EST
Reply Subj: Here's a clip from Agent Carter, with Jarvis!
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 at 12:36:05 am EST (Viewed 1 times)

    I really enjoy the little snippet of Jarvis we get in that.

So far so good.


      I'm interested to see what niche they decide to slot Carol into. The Guardians of the Galaxy have the outer-space beat for now, SHIELD has the spy/agent angle sewn up, and Rhodey has the military operative background. What does that leave?

    Honestly, it might be interesting to use her as their "Superman" analog... the straight-up, shining, majorly-super-powered hero. Especially if Captain America and Thor are on their way out via "Civil War" and "Ragnarok".

They'd still need to do a l;ot of work to find a unique tone and content to Carol's story. Really her most interesting characteristics are her flaws, like her alcoholism and obsessive work ethic, and her Kree/Great Intelligence links.

Unless the new post-Thanos uber-baddie is Kang.

    Carol has always had too much baggage and competition to really be the preeminent hero of the Marvel Universe before... That might not be a problem in the cinematic universe.

The problem with a Superman-type is why he or she isn's always there to save the day in every other story.

    I hate that Sentry guy... way too tortured a premise.

Reasonable self-contained mini-series but with poor retcons; horribly mangled revival doomed to disaster.


      I'm intrigued as to how Agents of SHIELD might fit in. Right now Skye's father certainly seems to have debuted somewhere in eastern China near Tibet - and Atillan. The Kree did genetically experiment there to create the Inhumans. Kyle McLachlen would be a good casting choice for Maximus. If one was looking for the Great Refuge one might need a Diviner.

    I do expect there to be a tie-in origin for Skye... the tease that seeds for the Inhuman film will be seen relatively soon suggests you may be right.

I'd really like to see the movies trying harder to respect the SHIELD series.


      I applaud the ambition of packing so much in while worrying about the execution. I just saw Spider-Man (version 2) 2 and it seemed horribly cluttered while still being horribly predictable. Everything I'm hearing about Superman vs Batman reeks of "world-building" over good story so far. With Cap, Falcon, Winter Soldier, rumoured Hawkeye, and now Black Panther in there, plus a "substantial" role for Tony Stark, it's starting to look a bit crowded.

    I still haven't seen Spidey 2.2 myself. I'm sure myself from 10 years ago would never believe it would be possible that a major Spider-man film would be released and I'd not really have much interest in checking it out. I'm sure I'll see it when it hits cable though.

The Peter/Gwen bits are very strong. Spidey's battles with Rhino are great fun. And then there's the rest of the movie.

    Hopefully, Marvel knows what it's doing with that Cap sequel, although it's certainly sounding more like "Avengers: Civil War" than "Captain America 3".

According to "the internet", Downey Jr. insisted on a musch larger part (and therefore fee) in Cap 3 than had originally been envisaged.


      Of course, I suspect he'll be gunned down in "Civil War", only to be restored via the Infinity Gauntlet in either part 1 or 2 of that film anyway.

      It is a possibility, but if we can see that coming this far off it'll have remarkably little shock value impact in an actual film.

    I honestly could see them changing it up and killing off Stark instead...

Possible, contracts willing.

    I don't remember where I read it, but someone posted the amusing idea of killing off Stark but preserving his brain patterns as an A.I. that talked to the Vision... Effectively reversing the Tony/Jarvis dynamic and allowing Marvel to keep Downey Jr.'s involvement and snarky line delivery at a substantially discounted rate, with Paul Bettany now being the physical hero.

Nice gimmick but it would only work if Vision was the point-of-view character really, and he seldom is.

I am intrigued at hints that Vision, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch might already be Ultron's team. That initial Vizh-Wanda link is interesting.

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