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Subj: Agent Carter sounds promising
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 at 04:24:36 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Re: Yes, version 2 was much more balanced.
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 at 09:32:15 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)


      This trailer coincided with Marvel's big movie slate reveal, which didn;t have many surprises on it (at least not for those keeping up with rumour) but its nice to have it all confirmed. I'm especially keen to see the Dr Strange film, especially of they can sign Cumberbach.

    No true shockers, certainly, but I am surprised that they nailed down as much of it as they did. I would have thought something as far off as "The Inhumans" could have waited to be announced, although I understand why they wanted to announce "Captain Marvel" and answer the calls for a female-lead film.

I'd have preferred Monica Rambeau, who at least has a unique powerset and isn't a female version of a previous male superhero.

    What's really interesting is that the slate is so jam-packed with films already and they haven't really left room for sequels to something like "Ant-Man" should reaction demand one.

Another reason I'm approaching Ant-Man with caution.


      I'm also interested in how they handle T'Challa, who is apperently playing a "substantial role" in Cap 3. The Priest version would do me fine.

    That's the film that most interests me, aside of course from the big Avengers entries.

I'm automatically prejudiced against something called Civil War but I'll hold out hope for something better written this time.


      I was mildly disappointed not to see a Hawkeye/Widow/Fury offering.

    One assumes they would all be heavily involved in the Civil War Cap sequel, but who knows? I've heard that Avengers 2 will end with a new line-up, so perhaps the time has come for Cap's Kooky Quartet?

That would require Cap, though, and the actor seems reluctant to reprise his role beyond his existing obligations.


      One rumour that mildly intrigued me was that Agent Carter might have an appearance by the human Jarvis. Maybe we'll see Howard Stark's 5th Avenue mansion too?

    My understanding is that it's more than a rumor, and more than an appearance... From the official synopsis that Marvel released for the show, it sounds like he'll be a main character, possibly the co-lead:

That certainly sounds like something I would watch.

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