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Subj: Re: Close enough. ;-)
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 at 03:30:40 pm EST (Viewed 428 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Close enough. ;-)
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 at 01:05:09 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

    >>that is atopic I am missing too. However, the story is not done yet and Wanda just recovered her memory and feels pretty awful for what she did to everybody..she mentoined killing her husband...Funny, they said she never divorced from him (I have seen that said in Vision profile)

I think they kind of dropped that bit for brevity's sake... Easier just to say she killed her (estranged) husband than to try to define the unconventional end of their marriage.

    This new Vizh is a completely new character. I wish at the end, the old one will be restored. However interesting could be a teeneger Vision, I would rather like to have the old one. one character even makes jokes telling him (the teen Vision) that he is married,...and he gets in shock and says that was the other vision (the new one is in love of another teen). However, I hope Wanda and him gets to talk..It would be just the normal thing to do...It hasn´t happen yet tho..But as I said, that is a chat for a more quite time she is having right now...

I've read some Young Avengers, as well as some of the Mighty Avengers when the young Vision and Stature were on that team. I don't dislike the character, but I find it kind of creepy that they kept it kind of muddled whether he is or he isn't the old Vision while they have him involved with a 14-15 year old.

I would have been more comfortable if they had just come up with some relation between the two versions that would establish a separation... Something as simple as considering the prior Vision a parent, or a brother or whatever.

Really though, the Children's Crusade has to put some kind of decent closure on the Wanda/Vizh relationship. To ignore it completely (or as much as has been done so far) would be a failure in my mind. And if Wanda is resurrecting characters and fixing things then it'd be downright insulting to fans of their love affair to not make it a significant issue.

    and I remain quite jaded by the fact that my Vision was killed off and nobody seemed all that upset about it.

    >>Completely agree with that...And it bothers me that kids nowdays talk about how odd Wanda marrying a maching. Its like they didn´t get to know the Vision at all... ;( of course they can´t get it now.. I guess now it is too late for the happy reunion I always wanted.

Yeah, they threw out the entire moral of the story in exchange for flimsy evidence to support her going insane and murdering people. "Of course she was unstable... she married a toaster!"

    But to all acounts, the Vision is dead. And Wanda history makes for everybody looking at her (trying to kill or save her) right now. Many characters appear in this run, (but they are there for a reason, another thing I like of the story) so not too much quite time. Lets see what happens in the rest of the issues.

Well, I'm curious as apparently the current issues of the regular comic are now supposed to be post-Children's Crusade (as that series has taken forever to finish), and from the looks of things the Vision is back on the regular Avengers team and looking very much like his old self. I haven't seen any confirmation as to which Vision this is, however, and I don't really frequent the comic forums all that much, so I might have simply missed it.


    >>I´m enjoying it because I am getting to like the new characters, and how the old characters are dealt. The writer is making a good job. It feels like an old fashion comic in the best sense of the word. Plus it has a normal wanda in it. And it has dealing with dissambled in a clever way. And people beheaves more or less in character. The writer says he is a fan of the old wanda and old Vision....so I can only hope. But there are some issues left.

    If you can overcome your Vision issues, I think you may enjoy it

I'll probably be getting the collected edition, unless I hear of something in it that really goes against my likes. (I'm kind of at the point now where I expect that they'll do something to disappoint me, rather than the other way around.) I've actually felt like the author of the series had always planned on doing something to better resolve the way the Wanda/Vision relationship was left, but then he left the regular Young Avengers book and Marvel decided to sideline all of the characters and wait for him to be available to tell his story again, and as a result even the new version of the Vision has been scarce and plotlines haven't been able to develop for years. So it'll be nice to see his ideas finally wrapped up, either way, freeing other people to explore Vizh (and possible restore what I loved about the character.)

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