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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Then proceed.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 at 09:22:42 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Then proceed.
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 at 12:20:24 pm EDT (Viewed 574 times)

    Then again, Liu Xi has never mentored someone younger before. I'm not sure she'd know how.

I think the closest she came was in her friendship with Princess Annar.



        It's never too late to acquire new mentors. Magweed and Griffin are good ones. Maybe Mumph will be smart and assign Samantha to learn martial arts and swordplay from the Psychic Samurai, and Samantha will get a heavy dose of humility and compassion with her lessons. Chiaki is very calculating at times, but also always empathetic.


      Sam's very good at absorbing lessons but somewhat less wise in the lessons she chooses to apply.

    Chiaki is also a very persistent teacher. Like Catholic school persistent. If Sam (as her student) would start ignoring her teachings, Chiaki would definitely find her and confront her. Normally a swordplay teacher would just stop teaching a student like that, but Chiaki doesn't give up so easily.

Again using the Batman comparison, Bruce trained with a number of masters in a number of disciplines, but seems to have subordinated everything he learned to his overriding obsessional goal.


      Well, I try to wrote every character with strengths and flaws. That's what makes them interesting to me. The heroic journey is often about overcoming flaws.

    That's why I think if internal flaws as more fun than external ones. External flaws, or limits, are way too easy to overcome. From within, often a character has to sacrifice something that has very far-reaching implications.

    For instance:

    Lara Night has to overcome her own fears. She's terrified that she will kill someone; but even more than that, she'll be forced to do something awful so that nobody will ever see her the same way again, and she'll be outcast.

    Liu Xi Xian has to overcome her own anger and self-destructive tendencies. She also needs to learn futility, because she always believes she can win somehow. She's just now learning how to bond properly with someone.

    The Psychic Samurai's biggest flaw is that she's so detached from everything. She separated herself from Akiko Masamune somewhat, she refuses to join the Lair Legion, and she keeps half her friends at a distance. She believes nobody understands the dilemma she got herself into, always living in the grey between the criminal world and heroes.

    Yuki Shiro also has a similar flaw, that she keeps people at a distance - but she does it more because she knows she'll outlive and outlast them all. So she remains emotionally detatched so she won't be hurt.

Those are all good bases for dramatic conflict.




          I think now Sam would view having a "normal" childhood as a weakness that leaves one unprepared for its eventual bloody destruction.


          She won't have much luck convincing Lara of that. Lara would probably tell her that she's not ashamed of her childhood because while linked to the whole of energy of the universe, it's what grounds her and makes her still feel human. And yes, even now that she no longer speaks to them, she still has the memory of better times.


        Sam's now actively planning to prevent other children having to face what she did.

    In that case she has to learn she's not alone in that activity. Just for instance, being a part-time school teacher, this is something Chiaki Bushido would be willing to stand behind.

Sam's als a long-range planner, though. When she finally thinks she's ready, it'll be a crusade.

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