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Subj: They got a percentage of Vinnie's earnings on the case.
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 at 08:12:54 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: So what kind of consulting fee did the guest stars receive?
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 at 05:52:48 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)

    It's not like college is getting any easier to pay for these days, after all... every little bit helps.

Tell me about it. Over here, as part of our budget defecit measures, the government has allowed top college fees to go rise to £9,000 a year - that's be around, what $16,000? Plus subsistence and lodging. I'm starting to feel poor.

And while I'm ranting, I tried to get Rhiannon insured to drive my car now she's 17. They wanted an additional £4,500 insurance premium (above my existing £700 premium)! It's actually cheaper for me to buy Rhiannon a clunker and insure her to drive that than to let her occasionally use my car.

    A wonderful surprise to find on the board... I'm quite glad Rhiannon came back from Italy to inspire it. I hope her outing was quite a bit more pleasant than the zoo trip contained here was for all involved. I've not been myself, but I've heard it's pretty nice and not at all like chasing a vengeful imaginary predator down into the sewers.

From what I gathered last night it involved walking across a live volcano, visiting the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum, finding off ants, being one of four students who weren't involved in a night club incident, loving Italian ice cream, and getting rained on.

    I always enjoy stories with the kids, and having the enemy here straddle the line between Samantha and the twins was a fun twist. What kind of upbringing did those kids have indeed? It's interesting that they all have such dark events in their past, however Maggie and Griffin grew up surrounded by it and sought to find the good parts until they were suddenly rescued from it all... Poor Sam had a relatively safe childhood before the worst suddenly came crashing down upon her. It gives them all rather different outlooks on their current lives and sets up some very different drives for the characters.

Yes, I quite like the dynamic because of it. And it allows for various contracts, including sceptic/believer, optomist/pessimist, spontaneous/organised etc. Maybe even merciful/ruthless. Mags and Griff and Samantha's best chance of not becoming something terrible.

    Vinnie was fun, of course, and naturally had a clever way to deal with the threat. It's a shame that there was nobody there to press him as to why exactly he carries around a glamour to change women into busty, scantily clad (okay, "accurate") copies of a certain Caphan. Somehow, "to bring invisible fiends into puberty" just doesn't sound all that convincing.

I'm sure it was for perfectly innocent recreational purposes.

    So Tammy now has a patchwork abomination for an invisible friend? Do you suppose that's how griffins came about in the first place?

Now Griffins are an interesting mythological creature. I've never yet got round to using this in the PVB yet, but Greek, Roman, Middle Eastern and Egyptian myths all depict Griffins as guardians of treasure, variously of emeralds, gold, the Tree of Life, secret knowledge, and the road to salvation. Considered a "good" monster, they warred with serpents and with basilisks, both agents of evil.

A mixture of the king of the beasts and the king of the birds, the griffin was monster royalty. Some griffins sleep on beds of gold like dragons. Griffin eggs resemble agates. Philostratus claims that griffins mine for gold with their beaks. Manderville notes that men made powerful bows of their ribs and pen-feathers. When a griffin mates with a horse it births a hippogriff.

    All in all, a delightful addition... Thanks for posting it!

You're welcome.

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