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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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Anniversary survey from... the Hooded Hood.

Subj: My Answers
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 06:25:49 pm EDT (Viewed 351 times)
Reply Subj: Parodyverse 10th Anniversary: Then and Now Survey
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 07:37:20 am EDT

> 1a. Where were you in September 1998? What were you doing at the time?

I was just entering High School. I was Just really getting into Comics, I had been reading them since '92 but I consider '98 to be a banner year where I started to geek out. Also, It would another 4 years before I even knew the Parodyverse existed.

> 1b. Where are you now and what are you doing?

I graduated High School, went to some College, have had a few jobs & geek out heavily (I go to at least one comic book store a week, if not two). I've now been with the PV since '02.

> 2a. What was your favourite media character, book, song, and/or comic in 1998?

I don't know, not sure I can pinpoint it that exactly. I didn't really reading much beyond Comics in '98. I think the 2nd volume of What If series came to close that year which bummed me out a bit.

> 2b. What is it now? And how do you feel about the things you liked in 1998?

During my High School years I got into the works of Douglas Adams. I've collected a large number of the What If back issues. I got into the music group They Might be Giants.

My favorite book at the moment is the novelization of Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman, I read it over 2 days which was odd for me & I got a bit teary at the end which is also odd for me.

> 3a. If we’d have asked you in 1998 to predict what would happen to you and the world in the next ten years what would you have said?

First I'd ask who you were but then I'd probaly wouldn't have given you a firm answer on my future. I probably would have said I'd graduate High School & College. Also, that I might have a job. But I probably would have said I didn't know.

> 3b. How right would you have been?

Well, I still don't what I want to do. But I did graduate High School & had a few jobs, didn't graduate College.

> 4a. If you could go back to 1998 and give yourself a piece of advice what would it be?

I'd appear in a bright flash of light, I'd say Touch the Liver & Lick The Goat then disappear in another bright flash of light. But of course in doing that I don't know what present I would return to.

> 4b. If future you came back from 2018 what one question would you ask him or her?

Have I moved out of the my Parent's house?

> 5a. What were your Parodyverse characters doing in 1998?

Nothing. I didn't discover the Parodyverse until 2002.

EDIT: After looking at other's replies. Here's what my characters would have been doing in the Parodyverse in 1998:

- Lee Bookman would have been at the Moon Public Library doing all sorts of Librarian stuff. He'd go out on a few missions that would be stretching the IOL rules a bit. He might of made a few trip down to the Earth's surface but he'd try to remain anonymous. But then He would have also been in an alternate dimension. He didn't come to the PV prime until a few years back.
- Chad & Ronnie might have just recently meet each other while at *Information blacked out for your protection*. Shortly there after the duo would be traveling across *Information blacked out for your protection* attempting to get away from *Information blacked out for your protection*. They wouldn't eventually evade them & make their way to Parrodipolis. They would start looking for a place to live. I also suspect Little Cat would have come into the picture.
- Ham-Boy would have just started his super hero career around now. He would have to juggle that with his High School career (having just become a Freshmen). He might have a foe or two & would be be dreaming of one day moving away from Piney Oaks, Iowa & going to Parrodipolis.
Semi-Transparent Lad is a good half decade away from getting his power. He's lives a normal life in East Walton, New Jersey. He's in Middle School.
-Catherine is going to her senior year of High School, is thinking about going off to college & thinking about visiting her Grandpa Thomas for the first time.

> 5b. Where are they now, and what’s going to happen to them next?


- Lee Bookman is with the Lair Legion "Saving the Future".
- Chad & Ronnie are aboard the S.P.U.D. Helicarrier.
- Ham-Boy is being tortured by some of the Void Scholar's minions.
- Semi-Transparent Lad is where ever the Void Scholar sent the bulk of Earth's population.
- Catherine is wondering the streets of a deserted Parrodipolis trying to avoid Spaced Fandoms.

What next remains to be seen (read as: I have come up with that yet).

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