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Anniversary survey from... the Hooded Hood.

Subj: Then and Now Survey - Answers.
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 08:37:39 am EDT
Reply Subj: Parodyverse 10th Anniversary: Then and Now Survey
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 07:37:20 am EDT

> 1a. Where were you in September 1998? What were you doing at the time?

I was four. I was in the same house I'm still in now and doing all the usual four year old things. As I recall I'd gained a brother earlier that year but I think this was just before the crawling stage so he hadn't started to be so much of a nuisance at that point.

> 1b. Where are you now and what are you doing?

I'm still trying to adjust to having a brother, he's ten now and at an all time record for being annoying, fortuneately he's off at scout camp this weekend so I've got a bit of quiet. I actually got to sleep in yesterday.
In other parts of my life, namely school, I've started my GCSE years and had my first test on Friday. I've also entered my rebelling phase but am doing it differently by starting a campain against the removal of the majority of the books in the library.

> 2a. What was your favourite media character, book, song, and/or comic in 1998?

I have no idea. Do you remember who your favourite character was when you were four? I'm not sure I even had a favourite character since I only started taking a more than passing interest in stuff when I was six.

> 2b. What is it now? And how do you feel about the things you liked in 1998?

I still have no idea. I like loads and loads of stuff, mostly books, how am I supposed to choose between all of them? As a general ule I most often favour whoever's in whatever book I'm reading at the given time someone asks me.

> 3a. If we’d have asked you in 1998 to predict what would happen to you and the world in the next ten years what would you have said?

I'd most likely have given whoever asked me this a blank stare. Partly because I was, you know, four, but also a bit because I'm not really big on planning more than a week or so ahead and still answer this sort of question with blank stares, or sarcasm. If really pushed I'd probably waffled something about going to school because that was about as much as I knew about what likely possibilities there were.

> 3b. How right would you have been?

Well I have gone to school as predicted, so I suppose on that count I was right.

> 4a. If you could go back to 1998 and give yourself a piece of advice what would it be?

There is no point looking forward to the time you will start going to school. Once you get there you'll wish you were still here anyway so make the most of it.

> 4b. If future you came back from 2018 what one question would you ask him or her?

How does time travel work? (It would be really useful for stuff like homework.)

> 5a. What were your Parodyverse characters doing in 1998?

Being four. Lily was just starting to get into trouble for the seeing fairies thing, Teresa was starting to notice that not everything that happened to her was normal or happened to anyone else and Aella was just a normal girl living by the sea and learning to swim.

> 5b. Where are they now, and what’s going to happen to them next?

Lily is on a bus in the rain which has been time whatevered by fairy magic so she's missed about a year or something, the whole Parody War really, Teresa is wondering what just happened to the rest of the Earth's population and recovering from what she did to the front door as really little, fiddly Awakenings take a lot out of her, she's also a bit worried about how to explain all this to her parents, Aella is on a beach with absolutely no idea about what's going on with the rest of the world though she may have noticed the lack of big fish.

Is that enough answers for today?

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