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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Hey, some of those exiled princes are good friends of mine
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 at 06:28:19 am EDT
Reply Subj: A Nigerian scam?
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 at 07:29:39 pm EDT (Viewed 400 times)

> > There may be other reasons Shema is careful about how often she projects Lara out of her universe too. Perhaps there needs to be an exchange - conservation of matter/energy and all of that - so every switch means a contamination of PV matter there. If she's not careful she sends Shema to the PV and gets Chad and Ronnie in return.
> Shema insists that Lara project herself out of the universe and into another.  Lara's energy footprint is far smaller, so the energy she "scatters" back into her own universe, as well as the Parodyverse is much smaller.  It would take her millions of years to impact the balance of the Parodyverse or her own universe just by moving back and forth (more on that in a moment).
> So what's ironic is, the sudden pullout of Lara from the Parodyverse caused more damage to both universes than Lara will cause in a lifetime - which is why she very rarely does things like that.  From Shema's point of view though, it was a calculated risk, because she would have done far more damage entering the Parodyverse herself.

I like story concepts that come with their own checks and balances.

> As for the "more on that in a moment" part:  With the ability to manipulate large amounts of energy and different kinds, Lara does have the potential to cause serious damage to the Parodyverse.  In fact, of the Lair Legion knew of just the kind of damage she could cause, they might be worried.  Fortunately she's careful but the potential is there.
> I'm not saying she could easily willfully destroy the Parodyverse, but imagine if she would tap a vast reserve of Celestian energy and release it?  Maybe it was stored in that reserve for a reason.  Or if she would have tried to siphon the Parody Master's power dry, she would have had to send all that energy somewhere.  While her own universe is designed to compensate for those kinds of rapid energy dispersions, the Parodyverse probably isn't.

Here's why some checks and balances probably come in. If, as has been intimated, the "maintanance" functions of the PV are back online, Celestian energy is being carefully tracked by the Celestians and the Triumverate are back on the job. Threats like Lara might end up being politely having their passports revoked (or, if it' the Space Robots, just summarily deleted).

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