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Anime Jason 

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Anniversary survey from... the Hooded Hood.

Subj: Answers
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 09:41:20 am EDT (Viewed 343 times)
Reply Subj: Parodyverse 10th Anniversary: Then and Now Survey
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 07:37:20 am EDT

> 1a. Where were you in September 1998? What were you doing at the time?

I was working a low-paying job in IT, and using my spare time there to write just one fanfic series, "Supergirl, Private Investigator". The title was supposed to be funny. A short time later I was so annoyed with the new Batgirl series from D.C., I wrote my own as fanfic and posted it online. Then I co-wrote a series with an artist friend of mine, it was called "Girls In White" - it nearly made publication, but fell through. I had one failed online series called "Third Realm" that turned out to be really bad, so I put it out if its misery.

Also I wrote one or two fanfic stories for Aurora Universe (now defunct - the owner shut it down) and for shared universe called the Continuum. Sadly with the latter since I had no perception of how RPG's and their rules worked, I was voted out for being uncooperative.

I also believe around that time the software running the PVB was in its infancy, and didn't work all that well, but better than wwwboard, which used to run the Batgirl and Supergirl boards at strike-two.com. Originally those boards were supposed to replace list groups to discuss the two, but it never worked out that way.

> 1b. Where are you now and what are you doing?

Sadly still struggling in the IT industry. My two fanfic series ended, and Girls In White never really made print. I'm writing a new series called "World Class" which has a tiny following, that I'm hoping gets better. And I'm writing for the PVB. Also occasionally I try to learn how to draw, but the progress on that is slow to nonexistent - I'm still terrible at it.

The software that started as a small side project has expanded to the PVB, and added features until it's now the primary software at Comicboards (though the Supergirl and Batgirl boards are long gone). Whether that'll be worth anything on the open market has yet to be seen. Also my web sites badly need remodeling.

> 2a. What was your favourite media character, book, song, and/or comic in 1998?

I believe I only read Supergirl at first, and then picked up Batgirl later. After that I followed comics and books Peter David wrote until I decided to try others.

> 2b. What is it now? And how do you feel about the things you liked in 1998?

I still like Peter David's writing, but I don't follow everything he writes anymore. I read a few comics but I'm not really into them - if I miss a few issues, big deal. The events these days are bad enough that I can't bring myself to care about them.

Fanfic, I gave up on because the audience shrunk to nothing, so essentially writing using borrowed material/characters isn't worth doing anymore, though I still remember I had fun doing it. Plus I realize that my characters/stories deviated so far from the changes the real ones made...maybe that's why I lost the audience.

> 3a. If we’d have asked you in 1998 to predict what would happen to you and the world in the next ten years what would you have said?

I probably would have predicted that I'd be a lot more successful than I actually am.

> 3b. How right would you have been?


> 4a. If you could go back to 1998 and give yourself a piece of advice what would it be?

Get out of the IT industry.

> 4b. If future you came back from 2018 what one question would you ask him or her?

If all the time I spend writing was worth it.

> 5a. What were your Parodyverse characters doing in 1998?

Only two I use now existed at the time, and one is barely in the PV at all.

Lara Night used to be part of the Continuum, and then Third Realm. It's what made my exit from the Continuum rather ugly, because she was my character but they wanted to keep her. When I objected heartily, they went to great effort to rewrite all the stories she used to be in to remove her from memory. When Third Realm was cancelled, Lara graduated to a rewrite, "Raiders", which also featured Sharon Holmes. That series moved so slowly, because I started it at the same time as World Class and the PVB, that Lara ended up featured elsewhere also.

Sharon Holmes was originally created to poke fun at Lara Croft. The problem was, a few weeks into her stories, she was not only better than the video game character (yes, that is a bold statement), she also was a lot more like Indiana Jones. Sort of a cross between what you now know as Yuki Shiro (thrill seeking adrenaline junkie) but with a very deep emotional background. She's one of my favorite accidentally good characters.

There are other bit characters that I recycled either names or parts from.

Anna's dramatic escape was a recycle of a short story I did where another highly advanced android escaped an evil corporation (one with its own advanced army, no less).

Shen Rae is based on a Star Trek fanfic one-shot I did, and her first officer, Jai Yoon, is from the same short story as the android (and turned out to be a better character there).

A nameless rock star I briefly mentioned in a PV story long ago was based on another character in the same short story as Jai Yoon - and that rock star was a purple-haired cyborg, like Yuki. Except her calm personality is now the Psychic Samurai's instead (and the sword skills used to be Jai Yoon's).

> 5b. Where are they now, and what’s going to happen to them next?

See 5a.

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