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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Inside there?
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 at 01:42:59 pm EST (Viewed 536 times)
Reply Subj: Inside here (click to see)
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 at 12:20:26 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)

    You really need to get these stories out there, you know.

I have one very large one in progress. I'd have to break it up to make it into individual stories.

    VV is happy. The people she's commiting crimes against are not.

Lara wouldn't be completely content with that. One thing at a time, as she would say.

    The conversation I've been having with Al. B might be relevant. I'd got it into my head that Bambi Bacall, the matter-transmuting Suicide Blonde (and G-Eyed's cousin, and now revealed to be Al B's time-travelled grandchild), was dead. Rhiannon talls me I may well be misaken. If Suicide Blonde is still out there then she was the Purveyor that had the friendliest association with VV. But certainly Bambi has been assumed dead. When time alows I must do some further research.

I haven't seen Suicide Blonde around in a long time either.

Lara would actually be happy if it turns out VV does have a friend to listen to her. It really comes down to her believing that VV doesn't know that she's being used and thrown away by people who don't really care about her. Or maybe VV does know, and she's gone numb to it. Either way, Lara doesn't believe anyone should have to feel like that all the time, and have no one to talk to about it.

    And more story required.

All of those Chiaki stories would have to be in the past.

    VV isn't above being malicious to employers she takes a dislike to but her professional reputation is very important to her.

Lara might just accept that answer, because she's not so experienced with that. Chiaki has more experience with it, and would only let Lara accept that if VV's employers are treating her with respect.

    Interestingly, since the most recent UT implies that she delivered some warning to Screwdriver from the Hood re. the whole bombing-Parody-Island thing, that might lead to repercussions. Screwdriver is the middle-man arranging contracts for for-hire villains. If he's now down on VV then it could lead to "career difficulties".

And continuing from above, Screwdriver is probably at the top of Chiaki's list of disrespectful employers. She might just teach him a lesson someday.

    That's a reasonable backstory rationale.

Oddly enough that whole thing started when, I think, Al B Harper posted a story where it was the future, and the Psychic Samurai and Hatman were together. I reverse engineered how they would have ended up getting together in the first place, but the dynamics eventually didn't work out; so I concluded that possible future is moot because they would have to break up over such strong differences.

    The Hood is quite content for there to be a link between Lara and VV. He might characterise it as "intriguing" and "useful".

Lara might be interested in how he considers it intriguing and useful since it might interfere with his plans. Then again, maybe the Hood sees the two of them working together much better than either of them anticipate.

    There are some issues there but I think JJJ will have to address them. I presume he has plot plans about it.

It's not really a commentary on her character, more a reflection on Lara's. She's afraid of changing Cathode's attitude enough to cause her to be fired or killed by the Baroness.

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