Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper
is looking forward to the director's cut edition

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: 28 or 26? Because 26 could have been longer, with battle scenes shown.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 at 05:14:02 pm EST (Viewed 506 times)
Reply Subj: Long. That's my lasting impression of it. Quite long.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 at 01:13:30 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    From the thread below:

What browser are you using? I'm using Chrome and have no problem with board stretching.

    There are a million stories in the naked Parodyverse.

And a billion more waiting to be told.

Who are Mircandalee Tremenselor and Selinda Saxmendim anyway?

    Doggeral is easy. I can usually do it verbally in real-time for ten minutes at a go.

It's a fun game.

    Another subplot paid off.

Is that what you aim to achieve here? Bring all the dangling subplots to a resolution?


      Been a while since I read the 10th Caphan Saga. Will have to add it to the list.

    Yes, I recall enjoying that one.

    But who put the card there?


    Bint Zilim is Ziles, daughter of King Zilim.

Of course!

    Damn good job for the rest of this story!

If you do say so yourself!

    Maybe nobody. The Offices aren't auto-resetting any more. The only way to reboot them is for all three of the Triumverate to agree, but when there's only a Duomverate...

Is that even possible? Won't the Parodyverse become unstable if The Triumverate aren't there? I'm thought the Laws of the Cosmic Offices auto-appointed someone who recently died - like with Jury. When did that change?

And as of 28, more dangling plots brought to closure!(?).

I'd forgotten all about Laurie and Bry's baby, but it had been a dangling plot point for a LONG time, so it's nice to see.

And now we learn she was Elyse - who was raised by Xander (so - sister to Sorceress - kinda).

Then plonked (I guess) back into the timeline proper to run a garden shop before running into Banjooooo, getting knocked up by him and presumably being taken out of time again to raise that baby? Otherwise - where has she been all this time?

The plot really is thickening. Getting harder to stir? Just add water.

PS: I'd expect G'Eyed would be a bit peeved with Xander in regard to all this.

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