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Anime Jason 

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Subj: That sounds like too much math.
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 at 11:53:32 pm EST (Viewed 849 times)
Reply Subj: If you average them out you might get one normal person.
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 at 09:42:06 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)

    1. VV would report the "contact" to her employer, the Hooded Hood.

    2. He would already know. He would not mind.

Lara wouldn't mind if the Hooded Hood knew, either. She never meant the meeting to be secret. The whole cloak-and-dagger part was to avoid embarrassing VV in front of all of those 2nd rate villains at the signup. That would have made VV fight with her to save face, which wasn't the goal.

    3. VV has not really had a proper conversation with a superhero since Josh Clement.

Lara wouldn't remember that.

She is very sensitive, though, and the short time she was around VV, she saw someone who had to put up with a lot of idiots, and had no one to really talk to. Lara found that to be sad, and decided to do something about it.

Also, as I've said before, Lara is a firm believer in grey area. She would be the first to say that you never know what path VV's life took that brought her to this point, and it doesn't mean she's inherently evil. Lara believes if things were different in her life, she could be in the same place.

    4. Hatman probably wouldn't mind that Lara was "trying to reform" VV (even Jarvis tried, though they just ended up in bed).

I don't expect that Hatman will be annoyed at Lara offering friendship with VV except for two things: Lara doesn't really intend to change VV, only to offer friendship and maybe set a positive example. He might object to her privately though, if he feels like she's doing it all wrong or if he's afraid she's being used.

I believe Mac Fleetwood would agree more with Lara's style, because she's refusing to judge.

    5. Of the present team, I'd think G-Eyed (fairly anti-Hood because of the whole Laurie thing etc.) and Nats might be the ones who'd see any friendship as a "betrayal". Yuki might want to conduct some kind of security evaulation, which might not go down well with Lara.

Yuki might rarely skip the evaluation just because Lara was the one who reached out first (if VV reached out first, she might be incredibly suspicious). She trusts Lara's judgement, and failing that, she knows Lara is not someone a supervillain would want to piss off. Also, it's not like VV will want to hang around the Lair Mansion while Lara isn't around, and have to deal with the supposed self-righteousness of some of its residents.

Lara would probably tell G-Eyed and Nats to relax and stop worrying so much.

    6. If the relationship does head into shipping territory, FLapjack is more than willing to hold a videocamera.

He doesn't have one right now. Yuki smashed it again.

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