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Subj: Hopefully his next visit he brings an extra coat. And an Australian Thunder God for backup.
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 at 05:30:34 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: The assistant justiciar seemed to enjoy his visit, anyway. But he had the better view.
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 at 09:41:21 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    Their only change of surviving the Inquisition would be to gather together some kind of regular league of friends with similar problems. And then to locate a lair for themselves.

It's amazing how many problems could be solved with secret lairs. I don't know why more people don't have them. Regardless, that sounds like a story I want to read!

    We established as far back as Untold Tales #8 that ripples from events in the modern day had sent "echo" versions of PV characters through time. Here are examples.

Indeed... I recall a prior example involving Marie's origins, pre-banshee. (Or was that Untold Tales #8 itself?)


    If I ever get to the much-touted Da Visionary Code storyline, the plan is to drop certain PV characters into the actual lives and bodies of similar historical people. Hence the set-up story.

    I never got far enough to cover the fact that Aivry's master is travelling to arrest the heretical Halronimus the Harper for his insane theories about the Parodyverse revoloving round a bunch of costumed heroes.

Sounds like he's touched in the head. Still, just because he may be mad, doesn't mean that he's wrong. And again, this really sounds like a story that I want to read...

    I really do hope to write it someday. Who knows?

    But even as I'm replying to this, I'm procrastinating from the major edits required to "The Feast of the Goblins" for The New Adventuires of Richard Knight volume 3.

I find that many of my most creative phases happen when I'm supposed to be accomplishing something else entirely. I like to think that procrastination brings out the best in me.

    There's a lot to say about readers' ability to suspend belief regarding many absurdist apsects of a story, including anthropomorphic animal protagonists, magic, and super-powers, providing the core interactions feel right tous. We've been doing it at least as far back as the Olympian gods.

For me, I always enjoy the intersection of the absurd and the mundane... I find there's something rather charming and special to be found in the combination... bringing the fantastic to a relate-able level can often heighten the impact of both sides of it. I think that's why I usually gravitate towards downtime with the Legion when I write them. It probably helped to hook me on that new Vision series too (I should write a review of the latest issues sometime), and much of what I read and enjoy, equine-based or not.

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