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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Me either, but I might be later on.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 at 02:52:09 pm EST (Viewed 458 times)
Reply Subj: I'm not rushing.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 at 01:18:11 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    My experience of LL line-up changes are that they are always controversial, even when posters are no longer active on the board.

What's interesting is, my idea is based on actually listening to concerns semi-former-poster-characters have expressed. Poster CSFB has expressed concern about character CSFB being tied down with the Lair Legion. Poster Hatman has expressed concern with his character being here at all, and being single, but reluctantly offered it as long as we don't do things counter to his Christian beliefs or marriage - which is very difficult in the current setting, and probably easier if Hatman-character wasn't there. Donar is always risky because it kind of refers to a currently popular movie franchise character, one owned by a particularly protective Mouse. So after that, it became a question of what to replace them with.

    One mechanism I did consider to accomodate change was a Hooded Hood storyline wherein he "divided" the PVB as part of his longer-term goals. One morning the world wakes up to find that 4/5th of its heroes are just gone. But in each of five worlds its a different fifth. Hence in one reality the Juniors find that they're now the Seniors; in another only the villains remain and some might have to reform to hold the line. In another, a few desperate heroes have to form a last defence against anarchy. And so on. That's a shortish-term opportunity for various very different scanarios to be played out without upsetting the current status that allows a possible eventual remerge where everyone gets to exchange experiences. But I'm loath to establish even this much of a change, being wary of both the time it would take me to pen and the difficulties it might create for posters simply wanting to dip back into a familiar old environment.

Interesting idea, but it's one of those where you'd get really, really deep into it and the story would go on way longer than you ever guessed. \:\)

As part of my plan, I actually had some more dramatic steps along the way that would have introduced the concept, yet possibly been reversible. For instance Hatman's retirement was prompted by Faite's assertion that nobody to be given Serious Matter has ever lived that long, so he retires to enjoy the life he has left, without fighting battles all the time. CSFB! leaves because Hatman left, and he doesn't want to be saddled with leadership. Donar left because of something or other involving Ausgard. And so on.

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