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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: How about hygenic ones?
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 at 11:28:12 pm EDT (Viewed 506 times)
Reply Subj: Re: How about hygenic ones?
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 at 10:33:37 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)

    It's a bold experiment, but I suspect an ill-timed one.

It is, but I think the worst ingredient in it is the central planning aspect. There's something to be said about allowing natural divergence instead.

    I don't think the collector's market is what is was. Collectors are completists, and when a company is putting out 70+ titles a month few purchasers can afford that level of completeness. An Avengers of X-Men fan needs to invest in, what, five or six titles a month at a cost of around $25 just to follow that one "franchise".

That's completely true, I've seen that people are getting smaller and smaller subscriptions (aka pull lists) at comic stores. That also implies that the more peripheral titles - i.e. not Batman or Superman or X-Men etc are going to hurt most.

    I suspect that the move to e-comics will simply drive many readers to pick up their comics at Pirate Bay or some other illegal distribution source.

That all depends on how they treat e-comics. Apple succeeded in selling digital music only because they priced individual songs at a very attractive rate. If they would have sold the same music but forced people to buy the entire album (like CDs), it never would have taken off.

Likewise, if e-comics cost the same as paper copies or more, people are going to hesitate. If they sell by subscription-only (like some magazines) they aren't going to sell many. If they price it attractively enough, some people might be tempted to get one paper copy and one digital copy so they have one to collect (paper) and one to read (digital) at a savings over buying two paper copies.

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