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HH thinks maybe Cap was trying not to offend the unions

Subj: I'm sure it's all a clever strategy to confuse Hydra.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 01:25:28 pm EDT (Viewed 495 times)
Reply Subj: Why on Earth would Cap need a stunt double? That doesn't seem very realistic to me.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 12:02:19 pm EDT (Viewed 4 times)


    I think it's a compromise between a real Cap uniform and the sort of thing nervous movie executives might sanction. It's just inside the margin for what fans (or at least this fan) might accept.

I think they've done all right, although I'm sure I'll always have quibbles with any screen translation of a costume (just as we all have favorite artist renditions of those costumes in the comics.)

I don't really object to the idea of shoulder pads on Cap, but I do dislike that they look like modern motorcross padding. Perhaps it was an opportunity to explore a design element you bring up next without doing the full suit that way?

    That said, it's a real shame they went for a Batman-style rubberised bodysuit. They missed the chance to give Cap genuine chainmail and scalemail such as he's always been supposed to be wearing. I'd have thought that an inspired costume designer could manage to make that look "well hard".

Have they gone for a Batman-style rubber suit? I know the concept art of the design appeared to look like that, but in all honesty I wouldn't mind him having pants and a cloth coat like the stuntman (just perhaps a bit better fitting.) However, I too could have been happy with a scale-mail look. I wonder how far they explored that concept in the costume design phase.

    I'm pleased to see the helmet wings, but I'd be more pleased yet with the real mask-wings. I read some people were saying that it "wasn't realistic" for a 40's superhero to wear such attachments. Perhaps these people have overlooked the fact that Kirby created the costume in 1941, so it is a genuine 40's superhero ensemble from the period. Nobody then seemed to find the wings goofy. The Americans were too busy cheering and the Nazis were too busy running.

I'm happy to see the wings too, but I'd much prefer them being physical. I can't help but think that had Batman not been adapted so many times since Adam West first donned the tights, even he would have lost his pointy ears in the name of "realism". As it was, they labored to explain every bit of his costume in Batman Begins to the point where I would have applauded had Alfred asked the purpose of some element and Bruce Wayne answered "I just like the look."

In any event, I think Cap's wings would work just as well as Batman's ears. People accept them because that's what Batman looks like.


    Finally, the costume isn't really red, white, and blue, is it? It's brown, white, and blue. Did somebody somewhere miss the point?

I'm glad that at least the straps making up the stripes on his torso are at least red.

And I need one of those Hydra cars myself. And a driver, because I'm definitely riding in the back seat with the top down.

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