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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
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Subj: I read a little bit more about it...
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 at 03:40:28 pm EDT (Viewed 485 times)
Reply Subj: Hate to burst your bubble
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 at 03:06:00 pm EDT (Viewed 501 times)

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      The Vision is back for a three issue mini-series coming out later this year.

    Wow, is that a random team. Well, I suppose them all being dead helps, but still. Who else did they have to choose from? Isn't Wasp dead? Ant-man? (Although he answers that one in the interview). Thank god Sentry was left in the ground, or wherever they put him...

The Vision is by far the most "Avengery" character on the line-up. Wasp did cross my mind, and they did explain why Ant-Man wasn't on the team. Leaving Sentry out was a good idea, he hasn't been dead long enough. I would actually have thought about trying to work Hawkeye onto the team; yeah, he's alive right now, but he's been dead a lot lately. Could be some good story potential there.

I just hope all these characters aren't being resurrected permanently (other than Vision, he can stick around!). I admit I have to wonder if the line-up is partially being picked due to copyright renewal reasons...



      I'm torn between my love of the Vision and my hate for Dr. Druid, so I really don't know if I'll pick this up. Leaning towards no unless Vision has a really prominent role.


    Well, I would think the Vision would be a central player on that team, considering he's pretty much the only link to all eras of the Avengers, not to mention that his personal adversarial relationship with the big bad, the Grim Reaper.

Hopefully, but I've bought title before that were solicited one way and didn't work out that way in execution. For example, I thought Siege was going to be about the reunion of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. Turns out that Avengers Prime is the series that happens in, and we're 2 issues in and the characters have shared about 3 pages together so far (they've been scattered across the nine realms of Asgard).

    Edit: Not to mention, this thing is called "The Chaos War". I'd be kind of shocked if The Scarlet Witch isn't involved at all... Of course, I wouldn't have thought they could make "Avengers Disassembled" about Wanda going crazy and barely feature either Vizh or Pietro, so common sense connections seem to hold little sway with what appears in a Marvel book.

Don't expect the Scarlet Witch to be a part of the series. While it's called Chaos War, there is a mini-series being published right now called "Avengers: Children's Crusade", which is about the Young Avengers trying to find Wanda. I would expect Wanda is off-limits elsewhere for the most part until this mini is resolved (which being bi-monthly will be awhile, it's a 12-parter).

Chaos War is about a "God Squad" of Hercules, Thor, Silver Surfer, Sersi, and one or two more characters I think, and Galactus is apparently a member too. They team together to prevent the Chaos King (the god Mikaboshi from Japanese legend) from destroying reality. It feels rather fanboyish to me, honestly (let's put Thor and Silver Surfer on a team with Galactus!). Apparently the new Hulk Family will also be a part of the story (because the Hulk and crew get involved in cosmic stories so often...).

I think Pak and Van Lente were going for a wow factor with their God Squad, but it feels lame to me. DnA's cosmic team-up that's been teased for Thanos Initiative actually captured the feel the God Squad was going for, which was a "holy crap that's awesome" reaction. Nova, Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, Quasar, Ronan the Accuser, and I think I'm forgetting one other character. With all the work that's been done on these characters by DnA (and the addition of Bill) it really is an exciting team-up.

    I might get around to reading this one eventually if I hear good things about it, but I really don't pay much attention to Marvel's actual comic output any longer. Thanks for letting me know about it though!

I will probably give it a flip at the store and make it a game-time decision on whether I pick it up or not.


...not sure where... Newsarama, maybe? Whatever came up when I Googled the title. Anyway, the writer says that each issue will feature a little "Lost" like vignette introducing what the characters were like before they died, and that their relationships to the living was the major thrust of the series. The Vision and the Swordsman apparently get this treatment in the first issue. The interviewer asked whether the classic Vision would be face to face with the new Vision, since the living Avengers would be playing a role somehow, and the writer responded the better question was whether he would come face-to-face with "the love of his life" who murdered him. (I did note, however, that phrasing it as a question allows him to say "Well, no... no he won't" later.)

Honestly, if the guy is telling the truth about being a fan of the character and "Avengers" being his book when he was young, then I don't think they can avoid having Vizh dealing with Wanda, whether she's "real" or not. While new fans are content to just ignore that the Vision ever existed or had a relationship with the Scarlet Witch, I think old-school fans and writers would be hard pressed to do a story like this "Dead Avengers" concept and not try to resolve how Wanda callously killed Vizh... it being the worst possible ending to their love story imaginable.

Ultimately, I doubt they'll be using this series to bring any of these characters back to the land of the living. Mar-Vell is definitely going to stay dead, and nobody aside from the Vision is really worth bringing back without specific plans. As for Vizh, they've replaced him and I think they're content with that. I could maybe see them doing more specials or a continuing spin off about dead characters operating in the afterlife, but I'm not sure they'd want to as it would give death less of an impact than it already has in the Marvel Universe. Dying would just mean being transferred to the "Dead" book.

(Now that I think of it, didn't they recently do a limited series like this with Dead Girl and Mockingbird and some others?)

I do appreciate that this seems to help draw a distinction that the current Vision is *not* a continuation of the previous one though. I'd rather he be dead and mourned (by a handful of fans if nobody on panel in the Marvel Universe itself) then just have it taken for granted that as long as there's someone called the Vision active, it's close enough to count as the same character.

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