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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Mr. Epitome

Subj: "Building A Better America" --- from The Huftington Post
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 at 12:20:45 pm EDT (Viewed 647 times)
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Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 at 10:30:37 am EDT (Viewed 7 times)

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An well-written opening salvo to the Great Robo Sapien Rights Debate storyline circa 2010.

Now, the real challenge is, can someone post an argument that attacks the idea of granting robosapiens the right to vote just as vehemently from a "liberal" perspective?

"In what is being hailed by many as a triumph for the disenfranchised and powerless everywhere, on Friday a young, attractive, white girl left the seclusion of her gated, multi-million dollar Parodiopolis mansion home to be sworn in as the newest U.S. Citizen... all while carrying a multitude of concealed weapons on her person. Somehow, against all odds, I think she'll manage to fit right in." --Jon Newhart, The Nightly Show

Quick, what do you and Zoxxon Oil have in common?

Well, unless you also made a profit of $45 billion last year (and yet didn't have to pay a single dime of income tax to the U.S. Government), then that's probably not it.

No, what you have in common is that, after the Supreme Court ruling earlier this year on Campaign Finance Restrictions, you both have equal rights to participate in the political process. Oh, sure... that $45 billion may give Zoxxon a slight advantage in the political arena, but that's really just your fault for not working hard enough to compete.

Want even more good news? Last Friday, a judge in Parodiopolis opened the door for the individual products of major corporations to be your equal as well. In a well publicized ruling, Judge Nancy Connor granted a robosapien identified only as "Anna" the rights and privilages of full U.S. Citizenship. "Anna", not surprisingly, is the direct product of the country's military-industrial complex, a weapon of mass destruction built to escalate an international meta-human arms race. But hey, thank god she's an American, right?

It's all part of an alarming trend to heap more power onto corporations who had already secured a disproportional amount over the course of the Bush administration. Despite the Tea-Bagger's lamentations against the rise of "socialism" and a "spreading of the wealth", the fact remains that the money (and therefore the power) has never been so consolidated at the top percentiles of the economy as it is today. The middle class has been consistently squeezed out over the last five decades, leading to a wealthy elite overseeing a teaming lower class that lives with no hope of ever breaching that gap. The American worker is beaten, broken.

Thankfully, here come the corporations with the solution: Build a better American! Yes, now they can churn out voters to their own factory specifications, rather than spend the time and money trying to convince the rest of us to do as they say. Studies indicate that robosapiens show a remarkably high level of brand loyalty in their purchasing habits, almost as if they were programmed in their preferences. But of course, any major corporations building these new citizens wouldn't do that, would they? And they certainly wouldn't let them come off the assembly line predisposed to a certain political thinking...

Sure, the environmental impact of building a new population would be monstrous... even the most responsibly built robosapien models use heavy amounts of contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, mercury, and brominated flame retardants. And they require constant upgrades and replacement parts, which... while making them excellent consumers of products and a constant source of revenue for their makers, leaves the mounting problem of disposal of these substances. But really, these cancerous chemicals are only a problem for economically poor organic citizens who have to live near the dumping grounds. The good news though is that those citizens will have an equal right under the law to challenge the dumping of those wastes. They just need to overcome the billion dollar corporations doing the dumping, and the countless number of loyal voters those corporations flood the electorate with.

Obviously, this kind of corporate free reign must be avoided at all costs. Instead of demonizing the welfare mothers who are receiving pennies of our tax dollars, we need to look to the major conglomerates who are devouring our salaries and milking our investments to line their own pockets. The Bush Administration stripped away all the regulations holding them back, and we paid the price while they walked away richer than ever. Now they've moved onto building themselves up even further with new rights that will make restraining them again, or ever holding them the slightest bit accountable, utterly impossible.

This kind of movement cannot be allowed to go forward if any sense of Democracy for the common man is to survive. It's past time we recognize this surge for what it is, and pull the plug on it before it's too late.

I'm all for building a better America... but what's happening here is simply Corporate America moving forward with our planned obsolescence.

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