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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Well, that's... a development.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 at 01:27:02 am EDT (Viewed 430 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Well, that's... a development.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 at 12:26:31 pm EDT (Viewed 479 times)

    They *were* pretty sure it would be challenged. The general basis of it was that Anna is now subject to the rules of due process - so if any government organization tries to arrest her, she can demand a trial. Of course she can also lose that trial, but that's another matter. Remember, the judge said she can't grant Anna specific rights because that's beyond the court's scope. But since Anna met the minimum literal standard for citizenship, she could grant it whether it would stick or not. It's a lot like a judge marrying a couple who meets the minimum state standard.

Oh, I understand the need for it. Which is why she should probably do some press that Meg sets up.

    The standards she presumably met are she's been living in the U.S. long enough, has no affiliation with any entity (the LL adopted her but she's not even a contender for membership yet), she hasn't been convicted of any crime, and she is capable of understanding the process.

    (Note: That's why manufacturing voters wouldn't work - they're all affiliated with the manufacturer or whoever ordered them, and if built cheaply enough they wouldn't even understand the process)

I'm not aware of any anti-affiliation rule. You are not instantly granted citizenship if you are born in the US to parents who are subjects of a foreign power in a "diplomatic or official capacity". Most of the requirements for naturalization are based on time... being 18 years old, having lived in the US for 5 years, etc. Then it's a matter of being of good moral character and passing the citizenship test.

In any event, the story prodded me to think through what would happen as a result of it, and to pen a tie-in... So I obviously found it an interesting fictional circumstance to ponder, and I look forward to seeing the story continue.

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