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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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Subj: Re: I'll say this again:
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 at 08:27:31 pm EDT (Viewed 374 times)
Reply Subj: I'll say this again:
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 at 06:29:39 pm EDT (Viewed 426 times)

Previous Post

While the writing itself is not bad, I REALLY don't like the fact that you continually try to establish all robots other than Anna has being LESS human, in the ways that they think and feel, because the entire POINT of how robots have been characterized in the Parodyverse is how much they ARE like us humans, in their thoughts and feelings. Indeed, Tandi is quite possibly the WORST robot you could have chosen for such a characterization, since her entire PERSONALITY is based on NOT being efficient or logical, and on being just as empathetic and emotional as any human. This is part of the reason why Anna doesn't work for me, as a character, since the sum total of your characterization for her amounts to, "She's more special than all the other AIs we've already seen," and again, that veers dangerously into that Mary Sue territory that we already talked about.

I'm sorry. \:\(

It *was* pulled out of the trash file. I only kept it, and months later posted it, because the "sight" gags and the dialogue with Yuki and Al was funny.

For some out-of-story info though:

Anna was designed with the same intention as Tandi (except for the sexbot part), at least as far as the ability to behave like and interact with humans. The approach to how they were designed is completely different, but they're *functionally* identical.

Tandi was likely designed by humans who observe other humans, and then set up her behavior to approximate a human's "out of the box", with some limited learning abilities to take that last step.

Anna, instead, was designed, for lack of a better comparison, like a pet dog at first. Everything she knows about humans, or fighting, she was trained in after she went active. Because of that, she has to learn at a very rapid rate, and she has to figure out patterns without really knowing it. Imagine, at her first days, sitting around her creator's lab, mute, watching people interact and speak.

The result, as I said, is *functionally* identical. They both interact with humans well. The difference is kind of ironic in a way - Anna is always overwhelmed by what's going on around her, because she's designed to absorb it all and learn from it. She has had to *learn* to ignore things she doesn't need. Tandi's operations are pretty much set, so she has no need to absorb and process that much all the time - she ignores most of it automatically.

Another ironic difference is that I believe Anna would be more prone to irrational behavior, being paralyzed by fear, or panicked. No human would intentionally design a classic robot like Tandi that way, as it could result in accidental deaths. With Anna's design, it's both a necessary side effect of the way she learns, and also the reason the project was cancelled and there's only one of her, and also the reason the government wanted her destroyed.

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