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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: There's always a silver lining.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 at 04:36:20 pm EDT
Reply Subj: At least it's not made of cheese.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 at 10:23:39 am EDT (Viewed 498 times)

> > If there's a legal All Points Bulletin requiring Chiaki to be detained for questioning, appearing before a licensed law enforcer - even the Legion - poses a tricky ethical dilemma for that enforcer. Technically they should detain her. I guess Chiaki would be smart enough only to put someone in that situation if she needed them to actually make a tough decision on it.

> Technically an APB isn't the same as an arrest warrant. It's just "bring in this person for questioning if you see him/her". The former is issued by police departments and doesn't guarantee jail, while the latter is issued by a judge and usually requires a short stay in jail until you appear before that judge. So the legal side of it depends entirely on if the Lair Legion answer to the police or only to the justice system. I sound like Lisa now.

It's an interesting point. But at the least Hatman would want to ask her, "Did you set loose prisoners from the Safe?" I recall from Jay's comments at the time of that happening that he felt that Hatman would have to bring Chiaki in if the answer was "yes."

> Other than that, though she doesn't make a big deal of it, in some ways Chiaki knows Hatman probably better than he knows himself. She knows that if she speaks to him in person right now, there will be a conflict within him between Jay, a friend of hers, and Hatman, the Lair Legion's poster boy for order and justice.

Indeed. But duty would win out. This is a man who chose to erase a happy relationship with the woman he loved and their unborn child to instead do the right thing for the world.

> She thinks he'll probably bring her in if only because he'll weigh his options and believe that no immediate harm will come to her because of it, because he can then balance that by representing her and speaking on her behalf.

Hatty would require the criminal justice system to be properly and fairly applied.

> But she also sees the fault in his logic - that this is a witch hunt. The APB is just the start of it, the powers that be are breathing down the Commissioner's neck to make someone pay for the Safe breakout - because it's something that scares the public, and is politically embarrassing. The Safe is supposed to be the unbreakable place the city puts people that are too dangerous for society, to lock them away forever - if it's no longer that way, it's too scary a thought. The only solution is to blame it on someone on the "outside", and if Chiaki has to pay for it with live in prison, so be it, to save the Mayor's career. That's what Chiaki sees in this.

I'm not sure it's a "witch hunt" in the "unfair accusations" sense if there's actually a witch and she's been doing bad magics. Since Chiaki DID actually break into the Safe and DID actually release prisoners she is actually GUILTY of what she's suspected of.

The get-out that I built into Saving the Future was that alongside what she did, Doorman intervened to make things far more deadly and to release the really hardcore prisoners too. That confusion of who-did-what might be enough to get Chiaki off the hook by story-arc's end.

> Chiaki doesn't want to be on the run forever. She has a plan not to be, though - as public memory of the jailbreak begins to fade because of other events, the witch hunt will end, and it will be safer for her to resolve the issue. She just needs to buy some time.

There's no statute of limitations on organising a jailbreak.

> > > It's plenty believable that Lara has a chat with Lisa because she's can zap herself across the universe from wherever Shen Rae took her. I wonder what the Chronicler's opinion of her would be now.
> > I suspect he was plainly speaking his mind when they last met.
> Even after she sort of helped things this time?

I guess it would be up to Greg (DK) to really define the relationship, but since the Chronicler is usually depicted as a remote slightly-mysogenistic and paranoid introvert I don't see him viewing Lara with much but suspicion.

> > I'm keen to see Chiaki develop a life and cast outside the Mansion. Too much of our cast is focussed there these days, which takes the PV that one extra step away from "grounded in reality".
> .
> Chiaki doesn't actually live at the mansion, and visits relatively infrequently (i.e. less than Visionary does). If you meant Liu Xi though...

Yes, I meant Liu Xi.

> yes, even she realizes that she's not really living her own life, she's just an accessory. Since she has already rejected the Lair Legion she decided to go to Paradpolis U to try and carve out a life for herself. The question is where she lives while she does that - and since commute distance isn't an issue for her, it could be anywhere.


> I originally picked Paradopolis U because it has its own neighborhood, probably its own character, and definitely is a large place for exploration. As weird as it is, Liu Xi can only explore the Lair Mansion so much before it starts to feel a bit like a prison.

It remains one of the places in Paradopolis most in need of fleshing out.

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