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HH recommends whites and greys

In Reply To
Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,834
Subj: It's probably too powerful a colour for default on the main page, though.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 07:07:03 pm EDT
Reply Subj: I like blue!
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 06:54:13 pm EDT (Viewed 311 times)

> > > Pel's predicament once again reminded me of something the Psychic Samurai told Liu Xi once, and one of her core beliefs: Killing should be a last resort, because when your enemy is dead, they learn nothing.
> > Pel might counter by saying "Don't leave your enemies alive to learn from their mistakes and try again better."
> Chiaki uses more fear than violence to achieve her objectives. Most of her enemies don't want her to come back.

Unlike many of the Lair Legion, Pel has never had any trouble from a dead enemy.

> > > It also led me to wonder: What would Shazana think of the Psychic Samurai anyhow?

> > Pel would appreciate her combat dicipline but think her passive appraoch to be inefficent. She wouldn't discount her, since she is clearly effective, but she would probably underestimate her.

> As Chiaki would point out, words can often harm an opponent more than steel. As proof she would offer up the many, many fights she managed to avoid by convincing her opponent that no matter who wins, they still lose.

Pel's on the side of the steel. There's an experiment with pens and swords she's been wanting to try.

> And you might also note that's why she's afraid of Vendredi - because he suffered all the consequences already (i.e. he was already dead), so he's not afraid of anything. The act of negotiation requires that you either have something the other party wants, or something the other party doesn't want to happen. In the case of Vendredi, Chiaki has neither, meaning either a fight, or her death, is inevitable in an encounter. So the smartest thing she can do is avoid all contact with him.

He's afraid of the GMY Turks not winning the Pennant.

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