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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Jolly good.
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 at 06:59:52 am EST
Reply Subj: The good news is you kept me from pulling my story for now...
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 at 01:32:57 am EST (Viewed 557 times)

> ...but the bad news is I'm out of my element. My last post taught me that the style I'm using is too "Anime" and I'm selling it to a Silver Age-y classic comic audience who doesn't want it. Back when I was writer's blocked and stood aside during part of the Moderator Saga...maybe my first instinct was right. I'm not sure now.

The key to these multi-writer story conclusions is to dole out the resolutions amongst the writers, so each micro-cast has a vital bit to play. We may even need to conference over it and assign chores if we can't do it any other way.

For example, Al B. (I think) introduced Salieri Meng. We've focussed on the kid intermittently, set up a drama about his mother's internment, noted that he's about the only character to come in from completely left field (he's not a previous minor player or a different version of an existing cast member) - so from a narrative, dramatic viewpoint he has to be there for some major reason. Question is: what?

Likewise we've invested a lot of time setting up the Purveyors vs Legion stuff. People will feel cheated if that was off-panel. Things need to get "widescreen" there for a while.

And we haven't really explored this concentration camp that some of our cast are in. We maybe need to have a look at what Meggan, April, Kat and even Mrs Meng are up against before we see our heroes come to the rescue.

> Either way I'm happy I didn't have to lose yet another story to the bit-bucket. I do that enough voluntarily because I don't like the outcome of some of them. It's a little more painful when circumstances force it.

I hate having to do that too.

> I wish I had a follow-up to it but I'm both unsure of where to go, and a little gunshy to try anything risky.

There are limitations as well as benefits to these round-robin style stories, especially as we start ticking off the resolutions.

I was thinking that now they've had a taste of possible dire futures and are loose in the basement labs of the Death Camp, Yuki and Co's first concern might be trying to get the prisoners out before they're herded into the gas ovens. You'd need to find some reason why it's harder and more heroic than Liu Xi just void-shifting them away, though.

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