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Member Since: Sat Jun 11, 2005
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Subj: I was going to see this or I Am Legend this week but...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 at 07:22:26 am EST (Viewed 274 times)
Reply Subj: So I saw "Cloverfield", and generally enjoyed it for what it was. (no real spoilers)
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 at 06:10:16 pm EST

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The rave reviews that the movie received from "Aint It Cool News" and the like are way overblown... The movie is no major turning point in cinema, by a long shot. It's exactly what it looks to be: A Godzilla flick from the view of some amateur cameraman caught up in it. You get no explanation of anything that happens, really... although since you've seen some version of each of the events before in many other science fiction movies, you don't really need one.

The stuff that I thought would annoy me didn't annoy me nearly as much as I feared. There were some pretty cool moments. I actually could have stood to see *less* of the monster, as he was more interesting when left to the imagination. I've not seen any accurate images of him online, so his look is a bit of a surprise.

Many people in my theater were disappointed, and I can understand why, I suppose. If they wanted more than just the mayhem of a monster attack then they were bound to be disappointed, because that's all that's here.

One hint though... at the end of the movie when you're looking out over the ocean, keep an eye on the right side of the screen. There's no explanation of what it means, but a lot of people miss it.

Really, this flick could make for a really great "extended edition" video release, with documentaries and other segments to expand on what made it into theaters... but what's there isn't bad.

From what I've read and seen about Cloverfield, it's the Blair Godzilla Project (I woulda used 'Clover-rated' but I'm sure some blogger out there has claimed that one by now.). Sure, it doesn't have Matthew Broderick in it which is a plus, but I can't handle watching CAMmed movies at the best of times. Paying to see one in a theatre? That's a little too ironic for me.

As for IAL? A friend with similar sort of tastes summed it up for me thusly; "Will Smith plays golf for an hour, a bunch of shit happens in the last five minutes, the end."

Plus that CGI looks bad. I mean Daredevil bad.

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