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Subj: And absolutely ookey?
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 at 02:20:54 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Spooky. Well, okay... more funny than spooky. But very, very mysterious.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 at 11:38:45 pm EDT

> I quite enjoyed Mr. De Soth. Personally, I think he should consider going with Vinnie. He seems like he could be a Vinnie. Assuming he lives long enough to pick up a new nickname, that it.

I like Vinnie. I may have to go edit that in.

> Quite the unusual cast this time... It's been a while since we've seen AJA (he went to hell and back with the library, last I recall), and he made for a fun middleman.

That's why he has a peculiar aura.

> I always enjoy an Idiom appearance, even one where she's not happy to be working for the man. One thing though: I'd love to see more idioms in her dialog. I only bring up the request because 1) I'm a sucker for unique speech patterns and 2) You're far better than I am at turning a phrase... which is often what keeps me from using her.

I considered trying that, but it seems to me that she tends to that kind of patois when she's in costume in villain mode, not so much when she's in civvie. That's my excuse anyway.

> Pairing her up with Liu Xi is an unexpected combo. In fact, having the scientist along with the mystics makes for an interesting flavor. Well, that and the chainsaw hands guy. There has to be all sorts of drawbacks to that. I do like how the environment limits the elementalist... She's a hard character to balance.

I needed a bunch of disperate characters to play off each other. And I also needed a big guy with chainsaw hands, naturally.

> I don't really have a theory on what's going on yet (although I'm reminded of Steven King's "The Mist"... wheren't they trying for an energy source in that one?) but I figure there's a clever bit of continuity that's being exploited here. I'll probably hit myself when it's revealed. But then, I likely had it coming anyway.

I've not read "The Mist", I'm afraid. And you're overestimating the clever continuity too. Sometimes a Compound is just a Compound.

In fact I hadn't planned this story at all until I realised All Hallow's eve was coming and I usually write something thematic for it.

> Good stuff, and I'm glad to see a Halloween tale this year!

Jolly good.

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