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Subj: Sorry, Hat.
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 at 01:44:52 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Let's all take a deep breath before this gets too heated
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 at 01:05:15 pm EDT (Viewed 548 times)

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I think writing for the PV is different than writing just for yourself, if only because the Parodyverse is a shared universe with a shared continuity and characters. The social experience is a large part of this board, and I think it fair to say that some of us only write because we enjoy the interaction it generates here. I am one of those writers; I haven't written anything not for the PV in a long time, and if people weren't reading and replying quite honestly I wouldn't be writing.

I don't think there's anything wrong with writing for the PV and expecting a reply, as again this board is also a social experience. If we were writing strictly for ourselves then why would we post here?

If there were only 5 posters on this board and the other 4 replied to every story, then I don't think anyone would complain. It's not the fact that only 4 people replied; it's the percentage of readers that replied.

If you're writing stories to share with your friends, wouldn't you want your friends to say they read it?

I don't want to get into any comments made, I just wanted to try and explain where the frustration some members of the board feel about participation is coming from.


> I'm writing a book, but make no mistake about it. I'm doing it because I've never attempted it before and I think I can, not because I think it will be published. In fact I'd be very surprised if it was. If not, oh well... some people missed out on a great story and I know I accomplished something I'm very proud of. When I wrote Messenger stories they hardly raked in the replies even under the busiest of times (7 replies was a good number for me). This bothered me in the beginning, but as time passed and I became more comfortable with my writing it didn't really, because I was just loving writing the character.
> I don't think what you said is fair to L!. And I don't think what L! said is fair to AG. People should reply because hey, here's something they want to read and enjoy... not out of a sense of duty. Not because someone is giving them a guilt trip. It takes away a lot of the pleasure. I saw your post on the top of the board about only 7 replies to your latest story. (And like I said that was a good number for me) You should ask yourself whether you're writing PVB stories because you sincerely enjoy it or if its just for the immediate satisfaction and affirmation from someone complimenting you.
> Apologies for the rant.

Forget I said anything. I just think it hurts the mood of this place when people are constantly complaining about replies. It does drive some posters away. I know a few of them.

People aren't trying to be assholes by not replying to your work (and I don't mean you, Hat, I mean in general) . Some are very busy. Some have jobs, families, college, grad school, serious health problems or sick family members. Guilt trips don't always make them feel like sticking around and reading and replying, but rather some just leave.

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