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I.A Watson previews his new novel with a full story

Subj: Labours of Hercules: Chasing Off the Stymphalian Birds
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 at 07:34:20 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

I'm pretty pleased with how LABOURS OF HERCULES turned out in the end. It was a tough one to do, because the archetypal hero isn't really that, um, modern in his outlook and I wanted to remain true to the source material. In the end I think it's a stronger novel for that.

Here's a link to the preview chapter: The Sixth Labour: Chasing Off the Stymphalian Birds, which is probably the most stand-alone of the parts of the story.

Hercules is a tormented man - literally. Driven mad by Hera, he slew his own sons and daughters (and four nephews for good measure), believing them to be attacking enemies. Ruined and literally haunted by his deeds, he sought counsel of the Delphic Oracle and was sentenced to perform ten impossible tasks for his worst enemy. Only then could his children's spirits rest and the hero regain his true sanity. Hercules' opponents both mortal and immortal saw the chance to destroy and damn him once and for all.

I'd be very grateful to hear feedback from anyone who had time to read the chapter.

Oh, and here's the back cover blurb etc:


Greek myth's greatest hero faces his greatest tragedy.

Blessed and cursed by the gods, Hercules faces twelve impossible tasks that will take him past the ends of the world, pit him against monsters from beyond imagination, and force him to defy even the deities of Olympus to save those who loved.

Classical legend meets modern adventure from I.A. WATSON, the author of WOMEN OF MYTH and ST GEORGE AND THE DRAGON Books One and Two.

Award-winning writer I.A. WATSON has delved back into the original classical sources to weave this tale of legend's greatest hero. Hercules, the archetypal monster-fighting warrior, great is passion and in wrath, is portrayed in all his flawed glory in a world where legend is giving way to history and the gods are slowly giving way to the rise of humanity.

Available here priced $13.50 / £8.79 and on Kindle within a couple of days

Publication Date: Dec 16 2016
ISBN/EAN13: 1518884695 / 9781518884696
Page Count: 220
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology

Other publications from I.A. Watson are listed at I.A. Watson's Author Page

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