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HH reminds the board of the last pigeonwarrior

Subj: The Quest of Shazana Pel
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 at 01:55:51 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

The Quest of Shazana Pel

Shazana Pel by Visionary

The Story So Far: Shazana Pel is a former soldier of Thonnagar, one of a fierce imperialistic race of Pigeon Warriors. The Thonnagarians utilise a unique Z-Alloy to enable them to manipulate gravity. Bands of the sacred metal affixed to a warrior’s arms allow weightlessness, and when channelled through metallic artificial wings allow precision speed flying. Metal weapons can be “charged” with enhanced gravity to hit with many times their normal force.

The homeworld of the Thonnagarians (no relation to any other bird-based comic book race, obviously) was destroyed in a cosmic Crisis. Survivors of the holocaust, led by brutal spiritual leader Ancient Shadara (last survivor of the Great Eyrie), sought to regain their people’s prestige by winning the interstellar Transworlds Challenge, which offered a prize that might have renewed their homeland.

The brightest and best of the Pigeon Warriors were dispatched to win the contest at all costs, led by Eyrie Master Bensun Jak and his lover, the warrioress Shazana Pel. They failed in their mission when they attacked the Earth team, the Lair Legion, and were then treacherously scuttled by the Heralds of Galactivac the Living Death that Sucks. Bensun Jak and the entire crew were slain, with the exception of Pel who was teleported aboard yet another of the contestants’ vessels and became a captive along with Goldeneyed and CrazySugarFreakBoy! of the Slimy Slaver Lovetoad of Frammistat Eight.

Enduring her shameful captivity (for Pigeonwarriors are required to die before dishonour), Pel teamed with the Earth heroes to escape and free others that had been victim to the Slimy Slaver Lovetoad. When it was necessary to destroy the vessel she was on to stop the villain from slaying the other Earth contestants she assented, though it left her and her temporarily allies and all the Lovetoad’s victims drifting in dangerous space, prey to pirates and a loathsome elder being.

Here Pel made her fatal choice. To save them all she allowed Goldeneyed to use her sacred Z-Alloy bands, in direct contravention to the codes of her people, a final sign of her weakness and moral decay. Although this saved many lives she was not welcomed back by her people. Instead she was abused, reviled, and cast out for her blasphemy (and her tainted Z-Alloy bands with her), becoming a zhonga kha, an outcast heretic despised by all right-thinking Thonnagarians.

So Shazana Pel returned to Earth with the humans. She had nowhere else to go…

“….Birds Gotta Fly” by Killer Shrike,
in which Pel decides to take an unauthorised tour of Paradopolis

The Intermittent Adventures of De Brown Streak #9 - This Time With Ample Pigeon-Warrior-Woman by Josh Clement,
in which mutant speedster and Thonnagarian warrior meet, fight, have dinner...

“….Birds Gotta Fly” Part 3 by Killer Shrike,
in which Mr Epitome goes to bring in pel, and Lisa goes to make snarky comments about him.

The Intermittent Adventures of De Brown Streak #10 – This Time With Added Crossover, But No Artificial Preservatives by Josh Clement, in which lots of villains wish they'd never guest-starred and so does Epitome.

“….Birds Gotta Fly” Part 5 by Killer Shrike,
in which CrazySugarFreakBoy! calls Mr Epitome's bluff.

Epilogue by the Hooded Hood,
which only those unoffended by adult content should peruse.

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