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Subj: Happy Independence Day To Our Wayward Colonials.
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 at 10:06:04 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)

Also anniversary congratulations to Theban Epaminondas who beat rhe Spartans at the Battle of Mantinea (362 BC); to Aelia Pulcheria who seized power from her 13 year old brother in A.D. 414 to become empress of the Eastern Roman Empire; Saladin, who decisively beat Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem at the Battle of the Horns of Hattim, recapturing Jerusalem and most of the Holy Land from Christian rule (1187 - arguably as significant a historical event as American independence); hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski and his Polish hussars who crushed a far superior numerical force of Tsarist Russians at the Battle of Klushino (1610), French Captain Louis Coulon de Villiers, who received surrender of Fort Necessity (modern Pennsylvania) from British Colonel George Washington (1754), Ulysses S. Grant who took Vicksburg after a 48 day siege in 1863 (it was his birthday, too!), Sandford B. Dole who proclaimed the Republic of Hawaii in 1894 (how did that turn out?), Leo Szilard for patenting a chain-reaction design for an atomic bomb (1934), and all of Western Samoa, who had to 4th Julys in 1892 because they changed the boundary of the International Date Line.

Commiserations to the loved ones of George Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who both died 50 years to the day after the American Declaration of Independence, 1826; to the few survivors of the family of Tsar Nicholas II who survived the 1918 Bolshevik massacre; and to the city of Savastapol which fell to the Nazis after a brutal 250 day siege, 1942.

Also of note: the Ottomans began their ill-starred siege on Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade, Hungary, 1456), West Point Academy opened (1802), The Louisiana Purchase was, um purchased (1803), and the largest full-scale battle in history began at Kursk (1943).

Who can forget that today also has or had celebrations to commemorate the sanctification of Ulrich of Ausburg (993), the anointing of Jordan II as prince of Capua after the "unfortunate" death of his infant nephew (1120), the founding of Trois-Rivières in New France (now Quebec, Canada, 1634), the feast days of Andrew of Crete, Bertha of Artois, Blessed Catherine Jarrige, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Elizabeth of Aragon, and Oda of Canterbury, seperate liberation days in the Northern Mariana Islands and Rwanda, and Republic Day in the Philippines.

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