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Subj: Ogre Trap
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 at 03:07:52 pm EST

Ogre Trap
Jack L Bryson

    I dug through rubble. The cavern had collapsed around me. The entrance was sealed off. Kirk made it out. He said I was too scared to go in. He told me there was an Ogre in the cave. I said he was lying. He told me I was too chicken to go in.

    I went in. He stood at the mouth of the cave. I had a torch. It took us for ever to light it. Kirk had a piece of flint. He lit the torch. When I got deeper in the cave I turned around and said, “There’s no Ogre!” He said I didn’t go deep enough. I told him to come down. He said he wouldn’t. The earth started to shake. I fell backwards. Kirk ran away.

    Rocks fell from the ceiling. They cut off the entrance to the cave. I turned around with the torch. I waved it around me. There were a few remains on the floor. It smelled foul. I couldn’t see the end of the cave. There was a chill that came from a draft. There might have been another way out.

    I couldn’t see the end of the cavern. I moved slowly down the path. My boots got dust on them. I called out quietly, “Hello?” There was an echo. I found a stick on the ground and picked it up. I contined slowly.

    After I walked a few steps, I heard dripping water. I came into a large space with several tunnels branching out. There was a body of water in the center of the space. The water was dripping from the ceiling of the cavern. As I got closer to the water, I walked in the mud.

    I couldn’t see anything in the water. Then, I heard chains being dragged. There was a moan, and I heard footsteps. I wanted to move, but my boot was stuck in the mud. The sound was getting closer. It came from one of the tunnels.

    I got one foot free from the mud. I tried to get the other foot free. It wouldn’t come out. There was another noise. It was a low moan. I looked behind me. The Ogre had come out of the tunnel. It dragged a deer carcass on a long chain.

    The Ogre approached. It’s breath stank. It dropped the deer carcass, and I held up my stick. The Ogre stopped and said, “Stop that!”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Stop what?”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Stop holding the torch.” I looked at the torch, and then I told him no. The Ogre jumped into the body of water. He started splahing me. He tried splashing the torch. I moved the torch around. I used the stick to pry my foot out.

    I was free from the mud. I ran around the Ogre. He got out of the water, and chased me. I took one of tunnels that led to the surface. He couldn’t get out. There was a root and his foot got caught.

    I stood out side the tunnel. The Ogre shouted, “Hey, help me out of here!”
    Ã¢â‚¬Å“No, I won’t help you.” I turned and left the Ogre in the tunnel.


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