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Subj: Troll Markers (conclusion)
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 at 05:33:28 pm EST

Troll Markers (coclusion)

Jack L Bryson

Sherman jumped over bushes and ran between trees. A couple of times the Vox nipped at his heel. Soon, the Vox became tired and stopped in the woods. Sherman kept running. He ran until he came across a pond. Then he stopped and panted. He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

    After Sherman caught his breath, he looked around. The pond wasn’t very large. There were more woods beyond it. Sherman picked up a stick and made his way deeper in the woods.

    A few minutes later the Vox stood up. He found Sherman’s scent and howled. Then, he ran in Sherman’s direction. Five minutes later, the Vox spotted Sherman jogging up ahead. He sped up.

    Sherman could hear the Vox behind him. He ran faster. There were some hedges in front of Sherman. He jumped over them. The Vox jumped over them as well. Then, the Vox grabbed Sherman’s ankle. Sherman fell. As Sherman lay on the ground, he hit the Vox with a stick. The Vox didn’t let go. Sherman hit it harder. The Vox let go. She fell over and lay on the ground unconsious.

    Sherman examined his wound. The skin was broken. He limped back to the pond. Once there, he took off his shoe and sock. Then, he splashed water on his ankle. After his ankle was clean, he put his sock and shoe back on.

    It was almost nighttime. Sherman walked quickly with limp back to his car. The troll was still there. The troll still sat near the stone markers. Sherman limped around to the driver’s side of his car.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Your pet is in the woods. I’m keeping my skull,” Sherman yelled.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I’ll get another.” Sherman shook his head. He got in his car and started the engine. He drove down the hill and back into town.

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