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Subj: Jason! I figured why I hate the new subject box!
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 at 10:54:04 pm EDT

1st of all, before I whine like a nerdboy, I do want to say you've done a really good job with everything. Please don't take my problem as a bad thing. I do apriciate you.

Now, when I do Caption the Pic I post it at the same exact time in three places. 1) Here at the PV, where Html is wonderfully allowed and used. 2) the Raving Toy Maniac site, where html is outlawed. 3)My blog.

I have a word document with all the names of everyone who has captioned in the last year, the typical text I use (my thank yous, my intro to the next pic), the html codes and the links to the other sites where CTP is posted.

I paste the entire doc in the PV Message box. Then I cut the html loaded subject from the message and paste it in our subject line. At the time it's all code with the text CAPTION THE PIC... inside. In the PV subject line I type the title for this week's caption.

Ok, all of that works fine with your new adjustments. I go up and down with the arrows and it's all there, very pretty. I edit the message to list only those who captioned last week and I can copy anything from the message box into the message box of Raving Toy Maniac. I exclude all html so the RTM dosnt swear at me and forbid the post. That all works like normal.

The next step would be where I go into the PV subject line and only select the title "CAPTION THE PIC... CAPTION TITLE (sometimes a long title)". Then I paste it to the RTM title.

The new subject line is hard now. It frustrates me becuase with the new up and down, I can't get a hold of just the title. I wind up getting part or all of the html codes, too.

So I get frustrated with this and find myself thinking "less is more" and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

I guess, since it defaults my code I don't need the html in the PV subject box anymore. I guess I could paste just the title in the PV subject line and not have to try and grab text from two lines. So I guess I need to alter my way of operations to allow more new tricks.

I'm just wondering how long before "home" is so decorated that it's no longer "home".

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