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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Thanks! I'm glad it entertained...
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 12:01:33 pm EDT (Viewed 516 times)
Reply Subj: Absolutely fantastic!
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 10:35:21 am EDT (Viewed 498 times)

    I immensely enjoyed this entire series! I certainly didn't expect Griffin to transform into an actual griffin!

I dug in Ian's archives and found the short story that first suggested that he could:

I always figured some day he'd learn how.

    The action was intense, and I was glad to see Gina getting in on the action and not just serving as the damsel in distress.

Yeah, she was getting treated pretty rough by the storyline, but then she really wasn't prepared for the weirdness that Griff and the rest of the PV deals in every day. Still, she adapted better than her father tends to, I thought.

    I kept racking my brain about Hemlock, trying to remember her, so I was glad for the footnotes that solved that riddle for me.

Yeah, I feel it was unfair of me to put the chapter break where I did, since it really did seem like a mystery reveal was happening, when in fact there really was no way the reader could solve it. I kind of wrote this as if the story itself was pulled from the future, and so future readers would have already read the many entertaining clashes between Griff and Hemlock before.

Needless to say, this didn't do any favor for current readers... and considering that they're the only readers it has, it possibly wasn't the best of choices.

    And the reveal of Kara Harper was unexpected.

As I told Al, I figured a Forest Week needed a nod to his cast in his honor. Plus, once I started writing a story in the future, involving a forest from the past, I figured a time-traveling antagonist would be the best way to go... and using Kara seemed more interesting than her mother (considering the generational slant to the story).


    I would love to see more tales set in this future continuity if the urge strikes you!

I am worried about stepping on people's toes and defining their character's futures for them, but I'm also worried about getting ahead of myself and neglecting the current continuity. Still, I found these characters fun to play with, and so I wouldn't be surprised if I came back to them again sometime.

Certainly, anyone else is welcome to write a future story as well.

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