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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: So there is.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 at 04:08:42 pm EDT
Reply Subj: I see text!
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 08:48:24 am EDT (Viewed 318 times)

> Actually considering that it's near impossible to find a non-tainted jury (everyone's heard of the horrifying Safe escape by now) the prosecution would only have to be even simpler than that: Is there a record to show Chaiki was physically on the grounds of the Safe during the escape? Isn't it a coincidence that she was there, and is the only one facing charges?

Could be helpful to be able to pick one's jury by eliminating those who know of the case.

> > If she's arrested and charged on these offences then the prosecution don't only get to ask her these things in court they get to ask her them before defence speaks. She has the right not to answer, but as I said above the jury have the right to interpret that silence.
> I didn't say they couldn't get her on the stand, just that the defense would avoid it. Or they would object to all the questioning.

The judge would likely sustain these questions as reasonable and relevant.

> There's also the magnitude to consider. Because of the type of power Liu Xi has, she could be labeled an unrepentant mass murderer - and the only penalty for that is death. Why? Because it's too unsafe for society, letting someone like that live.

Given some of the inmates that have been merely banged away in jail, Liu Xi's execution would be very unfair.

> Then it becomes a matter of whether Hatman can essentially sentence a friend to die. Jail is different, because he'll be redeemed for his choice eventually - and if he made a mistake, it's not a permanent one. There's no turning back from death.

I think he'd submit her to the criminal justice system and have to hope that fairness prevails. He'd probably appear for the defence to plead for mitigation.

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