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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Why not?
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 at 07:43:18 pm EST (Viewed 689 times)
Reply Subj: Why?
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 at 05:15:24 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    I suppose you're not allowed to have diabetes.

That would be great!

    I'll probably stick to being a hermit. I just checked my diary and I don't actually need to go outside now until March 9th.

That can't be healthy.


      It's the #1 rule of capitalism now. Why get something better when you can have mediocrity for free.

    Because of purchase satisfaction.

That's true, but in general most people want the free one.

    About six years ago I nearly tripled my consultancy rates, lost half my clients, and therefore still made more money for less work. If I'm that expensive I must be good! Also, it means when a client is being difficult I can say, "Well, we can keep discussing this; it is costing you £x per hour so it's fine by me."

That's a nice position to be in.

    There's a small publishing house in the UK who have me on their mailing list. Every month they put out a free "story of the month" which they used to send via e-mail, so all I had to do was click on the message and read. Now they have gone to emails with a "download this pdf/epub/mobi" button that is probably better but they've lost me as a reader just because of the extra effort required to access the product. With marginal customer commitment those kinds of barriers can be lethal.

If it's one-click it might work, but if it's some stupid thing where you have to create an account and go in circles for an hour to make an account...

anime.mangacool.net (
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