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Anime Jason 

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Subj: I said SPILLED.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 at 04:58:19 pm EST (Viewed 868 times)
Reply Subj: I really didn't want to get into that level of detail re. his scene with Hallie.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 at 03:47:23 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)

    Liu Xi has now twice managed to create a body from elemental matter. The first time took her days and left her very weak. This time, using Celestian-generated pseudo-Exu-stuff, she has recovered much faster. I've deliberately avoided establishing that Liu Xi could always manage such a feat; certainly I don't expect she could do it very often. So the problem would be, if her current elemental material vanished before she could fully assimilate it over time, would she be able to set herself right quickly enough?

I suppose that depends on whether she finished assimilating the material from the *first* time.

    Fortunately, Aella seems to have an instinctive feel for the Celestian systems and how they operate, and she's certainly not going to want to cause anybody harm with any adjustments she makes.

Even she might have to make a horrible choice occasionally.

    And then there are whatever adjustments the Doomherald wants.

I'm guessing he wants his stuff back.

    It does sound like a career-curtailing one-way trip.

It certainly could be, without some extraordinary interference.


      Apparently all of those villains working with (for?) the Hooded Hood still don't understand that they need to take what he says very literally...

    Not many of them, no.

I guess he says those things out loud occasionally to see if they've changed from the usual being so wrapped up in themselves that they don't even hear him. Yuki Shiro would have caught on right away, and refused to let go of it. Instead of just correcting him, she would have derailed the whole conversation with "Wait, hold on...what do you mean 'victory is mine'?"

    There's also the "least worst option" principal. If one is able to understand all possible consequences then one has to make terrible choices. Say Faite shifts a driver's attention back to the road in time to spot a wandering child, thus saving her life. But the knock-on consequence of there not being a traffic accident might alter the outcome of a police chase two hours later so a criminal gets away and guns down three victims. Preventing that tragedy too might have some other effect, all cascading away. It might be the horrible truth that the child dying is actually the least harmful and awful thing when all the chains of possibility are considered.

Faite is always aware of the least worst scenario. Because she doesn't have the near-infinite sight the Hooded Hood does, it's what makes her really conscious of alterations she makes.

Also for the reason that she believes, like Lara, that the Hooded Hood has made himself into a slave to his own plot alterations. Because he makes one change that will require another correction later, which requires another and another. Sure it makes it dangerous to kill him (if he misses a change, all hell breaks loose), but it also puts him in servitude to the timeline. So she's very careful with her changes so they don't require more changes down the line.

What will be interesting to see though is as she becomes closer to and more emotionally tied to the Lair Legion, she might start to change her point of view of what's urgent and important. She might start to become more reckless. The only reason she's resisting that urge now is because she feels like the call to become more reckless is being dictated by the Hooded Hood himself, because he wants a new and tougher rival. She's trying not to fall for it.

For the time being, she's hoping the Lair Legion will just be patient with her choosiness and accept that there's a reason she has to be so careful. If that changes, she'll become very conflicted.

    The Hood does enjoy making his adversaries responsible for his victories.

Oddly enough, he might take the least pleasure from doing that to Faite, because she's so accepting of it. If she hands him a victory because of a mistake she made, she'll already have known it long before his victory concludes. Basically, it kills his ability to gloat.

    We've pretty much assembled most of the dominos now. Time to knock them over.

Faite is smart enough when dealing with the Hooded Hood to plan her changes as late as possible, so he has a really hard time predicting what she'll do or when and stopping it. I'm sure it irritates him terribly sometimes, and that's one of the rare moments of satisfaction she gets.

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