Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Yes Dali Lama.
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 at 05:10:33 am EST (Viewed 468 times)
Reply Subj: To be Yoda one need not be, the truth to perceive.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 03:35:18 am EST (Viewed 4 times)

    Nothing to see here. Move along.

*Stands firmly in place*

    Today I struggled through the longest and most diffuclt chapter - for which I resorted to footnotes. Still, now I've done much of the heavy lifting.

Hey for what it's worth I clicked on some of the hyperlinks. So thanks!

    Indeed. What a splendid epitaph.

I agree!

    Did I say that?

Is it not implied?

    Chapter eight features nine very different characters arguing with each other. And another half dozen waiting downstairs.

Hmm...nine characters eh? A fellowship of sorts? Will they have to journey to the Dead Galaxy to destroy the ring of power to save the Parodyverse?

    It took quite a bit od digging to remind myself what had originally turned the Wasteland into the Wasteland. Turns out it actually happened halfway through the Premiere Sage. Rhiannon was able to point me in the right direction.

Wow, I would have thought earlier than that myself. Good thing you have Rhiannon on hand.

    She had not yet deigned to post any replies, but I know she is aware of the contents up to the end of chapter two because I read them to her over Skype!

She's a lucky girl. You should record it next time - imagine listening to UTT as read by the Hooded Hood! That would be cool.

    I did rewrite a line today because I thought "No, if I include that clue, Rhiannon and probably some other posters will actually get it straight off!" Because of course, this is a whodunnit. The responsible party is in the Who's Who of the Parodyverse.

It's the Psychostave isn't it?

And part six:

What a crap story!

Sorry - couldn't resist. \:\)

Always a pleasure to see Sir Mumphrey again - even though the circumstances were rather gross. Asil handled it very well I thought.

I can't believe you got a Forest Week reference in there. Too funny.

Zania Chhabra is interesting, though I'm not sure I'm across what her powers/Cosmic Office is all about. I hope she doesn't suffer ruthlessly in your attempt to cull excess female characters.

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