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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Re: "And kick yourselves down the stairs on the way out!"
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 at 06:49:22 am EST (Viewed 503 times)
Reply Subj: "And kick yourselves down the stairs on the way out!"
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 at 02:06:58 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)

    That also has to include quite a few psychotropic substances and a deal of partner-swapping.


    Yep. Chronic is somewhere around my "long abandoned characters" mental list that I feel it's okay to occasionally raid when I have a good plot for them. But that's different from my "long left behind by their posters but with a list of instructions for use" list and my "posters have given me carte blanche with these characters" lists. I'm fairly confident that I'm not doing Chronic any disservice by writing him in chasing down a hot future-chick.

Coffee. They're just having coffee. Right after their busking. Lol, I'm like an overprotective dad.

    I actually remember writing that one.

And Beannie and Fly-Girl were two names from a song I had listened to at the time.

    Well, when he gets to star in a chapter he probably needs a bit more meaty material than usual.

Good- it will be needed methinks.

    I'm not currently planning for him to appear. See my comments to Jason elsewhere in the thread about from-left-field characters turning up to resolve the plot. This one is down to the Juniors with nothing but Checkov's gun to help them.

Yeah, I get why he wont. And I look forward to Red Velvet firing off.

    I'll proof and post chaper 5 and then get on with it.

Part the Fifth:

That's right Kerry, get a grip, now is not the time to be angry at your boyfriend because he murdered that guy. Save it for after you re-murder that guy!

Ah Sammy, a Hacker9 reference. Somewhere his ears have gone red.

Honestly, can someone just murder Lucy De Soth while they're at it?

And um...oh. Oh dear.

(Kerry going all Dark Phoenix really needs a Visionary picture doesn't it?)

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