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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Sorry about that.
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 at 11:06:13 pm EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Aw... That bit made me sad.
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 at 07:58:36 pm EDT (Viewed 1605 times)

    I had some sympathy for Amnesia, but when someone is that far gone it becomes harder to relate to them. At this point, its probably a mercy for her if she doesn't regain her memories of who she used to be. Still, I'm glad Icy was there to help with hugs and snow cones.

This may be where we vary in interpretation. I still see Amnesia as exactly the same person Laurie was. I suppose I'm thinking along the lines of Shep's Far Off story where the Legion lost their memories but their characters were still intact.

Anyway, CZ's just starting her story arc really so there's time to show not tell this stuff later; starting with the very next section.

    No, what made me sad this chapter was the betrayal by Vespiir. I can certainly understand why she did it, and there's no doubt the Legion would elect to face whatever the Hood has planned for them in order to save her from that fate, but it's still undeniably a betrayal and it does hurt. I quite like her, after all. I don't know how her housemates will react when they find out, or how the other Caphans will react. I imagine a betrayal from within one's own house is a rather sore point for some of them.

It's a tough one for her. She faced the realms of the elder beings to save the Legion from the Carnifex. She only retained her sanity due to the intervention of the Hood (who also had a vested interest in the Legion taking down the Carnifex, of course). She only keeps it while the Hood continues to maintain that intervention. The alternative is terrifying and horrifying. She's one unhappy seeress.

One wonders if she can see the consequences of helping the Hood's plans forward or if that has been denied her by... the Hooded Hood.

    Great job on the Hatman fight (is he still Hatman, or just Jay now?) I hope he didn't save the Losers from the crowd too soon...

We'll actually get to see the payoff of that, continuing pretty much straight on, in the closing section of this issue.

    I wonder where Liu Xi has vanished to, and whether she remembered to bring a towel.

Well, it was a bathroom.

    I do like CsFB's plan to cheat, even if it was taken advantage of by the Hood. Had it not been, the paradox of never choosing would have given me a headache trying to think it through, so there is that upside. My question is, did he just ask who he chooses, or did he also ask if it works out? Because if his main concern is that he's making all of the wrong choices, then he might not really want to go with who he picks after all.

More on this next-time-but-one too.

    I think I'm getting a headache anyway...


    Finding this next bit was a pleasant surprise... Looking forward to more!

I hope folks like the remaining bits.

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