> > I'm a bit disappointed. Everyone has returned from Limbo but there was not even one mention of Chad or Ronnie! One would think that they would get at least a mention somewhere. Also, I don't know if Lee was mentioned either.
> Ack! Sorry about that. I knew I'd omitted C & R (and all the cast on the helicarrier like Drury, Natalia, and possibly Anna) but the bit I meant to slip in with Lee just dropped out iof my head. I'll amend that tomorrow because he should definitely be in there.
Ok. I hadn't thought about Lee not being there until I was writing my reply & thought about the MPL. Then I thought "What happened to Lee?"
> > I'm also a bit confused because I'm not sure what to do for a tie-in, I'd attempt to write one but I'm not sure about it. I guess Ronnie would search out Jane since he'd have tons to tell her about (he's now an agent of SPUD you now) & that could be a interesting story. I'm not sure if there would be a Spaced Fandom copy of Catherine for Chad to meet up with since Catherine is off planet (She's on the Moon). Which brings up a question: Did the Void Scholar only switch out the people of Earth? Now that Lee back, he's mostly going to go back to the Library & they might know that something is up. Also, would there be a Spaced Fandom copy of Little Cat, would the Void Scholar go that far to replace animals along with people?
> I think whatever you need to tell the best story you can would be fine.
I think having Animals be animals would work since they might be able to tell real people from Fandoms. I think The Scholar's replacements would only affect the Earth. I had a similar thought were the Moderator saga was whining down. It was only a half thought & I obviously never got around to it.
> > I'm also a bit confused about how to tie up Catherine's involvement in all this or even if it needs to be tied up since the portal she fell through tied up how Chad & Ronnie showed up at the Mansion in the first place.
> I think now she's at the Library she might be able to work out why Mr Spooky sent C & R through that portal in the first place (whatever that was). If you haven't got a clear idea we can always discuss it in this thread (or via e-mail). The only thing to bear in mind is that since I'm living away from home part of the week these days I don't always get internet access.
I think in an e-mail would be the best place to discuss this.