> > But he [Drury] doesn't go after other powerful human beings all guns blazing.
> True, but none of them destroyed and then escaped a SPUD high-security area either. Though Yuki probably wishes she did, just for bragging rights.
There have been all kinds of terrorist attacks and devasating assaults on SPUD bases - for example from Morbido and the Botherhood of Evil Mutates.
> > > Most likely, her design was conceived by someone who made her to be friend or family rather than a minion. Which annoys the military to no end.
> > Or a companion? Maybe Anna has more in common with Tandi than she realises.
> That's possible too. A companion that excels highly at abstract thought so he can talk to her and not get boring predictable answers. So he can discuss his highly advanced theories with her, and have her comprehend.
We need to find out sometime.
> All it really takes to kill her is a well-placed airstrike with a wide-area high explosive missile. That hasn't happened, though, because then SPUD has to explain itself to Congress when the public notices bombers flying over the city and a block-sized crater left behind.
> Oddly enough Anna has a healthy sense of fear. One of many emotions her creator gave her to help her regulate her own behavior.
It's interesting that it's programmed in to her, not a natural function of her thought processes.