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Subj: I thought that Benedict Arnold chap seemed quite decent, actually.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 11:16:33 pm EDT
Reply Subj: We always can forgive our enemies more quickly than we can our traitors.
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 06:57:22 pm EDT

> Nice to see that Kriije has some story opportunities ahead of her.

She's not finished with her role in the current story yet.

> She's an interesting character in her contrasts to the rest of her people... something that works well because she's not completely alien to her own culture either, as this chapter shows. It was a complicated role she had to play, and I don't know how much society is to blame for her choices in life.

She's had a rough life and had some bad influences, but she's also responsible for her own actions. Ohanna understands there are mitigating circumstances, which is why she saved Kriije from a traitor's death. Perhaps Kriije's worst torment of all is knowing that her enemy is looking out for her welfare.

> I take it from Ohanna's comments that she might end up working for or with Miiri on their charitable mission... Either way, I look forward to seeing her again.

Don't take any plans as fixed until we get to the end of the story.

> Another good story bite!

The next section is the last really soft and fluffy one, and one of the last I wrote before taking a break from this material. It's really just interactions I felt needed to be there on record for thematic closure and a response to a conversation on the Caphan strand that we had in the Lair Legion Living Room - another example of the usefulness of poster feedback.

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