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I guess "been a while" might be a bit of an understatement at this point, huh? So, how're you doing, gang?
I got Kirk's email a week or so back, and started lurking a bit to see how things were going around here. At this point I'm probably too far behind on to really catch up on everything, but I did give some more recent Untold Tales a quick read (and loved 'em, of course!) and seem to have figured out the current status of things. And while I'm not making any promises - because we all know how good I've been at following through on those - I did get some ideas. I've been fairly busy for a while now, but I should have some more free time soon, so who knows?
Anyway, I hope things are going well with everyone, and I'll do my best to, y'know, stick around this time!
Nice of you to pop in again, and I hope you can stay a while. After all, this fall is the board's big 10th anniversary. I'm pretty sure there'll be cake. Who would want to miss that?