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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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HH had a pretty grotty today

Subj: Yes, but it's void in the UK.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 at 09:48:28 pm EDT (Viewed 367 times)
Reply Subj: Is that a contractual promise
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 at 08:25:45 pm EDT

> > Actually I was working on the board software again. That's why you saw all kinds of errors earlier. The admin application is almost completed, and I'm down to just a few just-in-under-the-wire features.
> In terms of colours I'm keen on the ones we up to around this time last year. In terms of layout I think the current one is pretty good, with the need to add the return-to-home link at the bottom of reply pages.

Colors I'm going to deal with last, because one of the upcoming features is a built-in Javascript color mixer that will make picking colors a lot easier.

But the return to home link is on the list, as soon as I find room for it (probably in the bar just below the post).

> > Once in a tie-in Lara Night told someone that sleeping with someone doesn't automatically mean sex. After all, married couples and people living with each other sleep together every night, and sometimes only sleep is involved. Of course she has more insight than most because she did live with someone for a while. But it's something Visionary can remember next time Miiri crawls into bed with him to join him in sleep (or the one time Lara did).
> In-continuity Vizh was married for a good number of years, so it's probably not news to him. But try telling the girl you're hoping to date how you spent the other night cuddled up with a hot ex-pleasure slave and see how understanding she is.

If it's Hallie she'll be understanding. She'll probably laugh at him.

I wonder what she'd say, though, if news leaks out that Vizh and Lara actually did nothing?

> > I still wonder just what the Shoggoth's price is, but I'm betting it's appropriately humiliating considering what he thinks of slavery.
> The phrase I'd use is "insanely dangerous and difficult".

Isn't everything with the Shoggoth "insanely"?

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