> You changed the margin width? It's not causing any noticable difficulties here.
> I found it simpler to actually read the information before the format changed, and it seems to waste a lot of space going top to bottom only to present a reletavely small amount of information. All in all I have learnt to ignore it and no longer care if it stays or goes though I understand that it might be somewhat problematic for other people.
Is the sidebar distracting?  Does it need more space around it?
> I guess some new posters might be slightly put off by some of the micros, or simply sent into despair by the idea of having to learn about so many caracters.
It would be worse if the random generator worked better.
> It needs changin to a manageable size as soon as possible, it makes reading difficult.
Already done.
> Sounds a bit complicated. I'm not sure if going to all that trouble is worth not having to tell all the unwanted text to go away.
It's more a matter of choice than anything else.