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Member Since: Thu Feb 05, 2004
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Subj: Re: The Dark Knight Rises
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 at 05:23:06 pm EDT (Viewed 984 times)
Reply Subj: The Dark Knight Rises
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 at 09:13:28 am EDT (Viewed 10 times)

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I'm a bit out of practice on Parodyverse continuity myself, and massively overdue to payoff the last big story I wrote, but here goes:

Everybody knows that the Dark Knight, if he was ever more than a media hoax, died about three years back in his final confrontation with the Crime Clown. Even the Legion believes it, though no bodies were recovered.

It saved the LL a lot of hassle, since DK had been declared "public enemy #1" - again, and was wanted on charges of nuclear terrorism et al.

Sure, there have been weird rumours and odd stories since then, during the Parody War and since, but then again there are still people out there who believe that "Magnetic Techbird lives!"

I do wish we could return the board back to the way things were, but I suspect social media probably broke that for good.

"Logan" got me thinking about adding a more western element to the Knight mythos, and since he's already considered at the very least MIA, that should fit into the idea I had fairly swimmingly.

My idea, should I find the idea to do it, is intended to be roughly twenty years or so ahead of anything the rest of you are doing so I don't step on anyone's toes or anything like that.