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Member Since: Thu Feb 05, 2004
Subj: The Dark Knight Rises
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 at 09:13:28 am EDT (Viewed 10 times)
Reply Subj: Sorry about Shoggoth's health issues!
Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 at 02:45:30 am EDT (Viewed 1021 times)

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I'm having issues responding to threads too.

Sorry about your health issues, Shoggoth.  Hope you continue to improve.

Glad to see a few folks still congregating here.

Happy birthday to everyone whose birthdays I've missed.

Ian, since you're probably the best person to ask, I was wondering if you could update me on the current GMY continuity and/or as it relates to the Knight?

I'm a bit out of practice on Parodyverse continuity myself, and massively overdue to payoff the last big story I wrote, but here goes:

Everybody knows that the Dark Knight, if he was ever more than a media hoax, died about three years back in his final confrontation with the Crime Clown. Even the Legion believes it, though no bodies were recovered.

It saved the LL a lot of hassle, since DK had been declared "public enemy #1" - again, and was wanted on charges of nuclear terrorism et al.

Sure, there have been weird rumours and odd stories since then, during the Parody War and since, but then again there are still people out there who believe that "Magnetic Techbird lives!"