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Subj: Re: Well, it's up there, but a hobby best visited sparingly.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 at 07:07:18 am EST (Viewed 1210 times)
Reply Subj: Well, it's up there, but a hobby best visited sparingly.
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 04:13:18 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    I devoted quite a lot of keyboard time to explaining what I thought was good and bad about his tenure. Some of it made it into the books Assembled and Assembled 2 and would have featured in Assembled 3 had the publisher not wimped out of editing a 9000-word essay (by someone other than me) that described an Iron Man story panel-by-panel.

At first I was going to ask what the point of such a thing was, but then I recalled a rather insightful web column that broke down in high detail the artist's choices in framing especially being used in the Vision series, albeit not panel-by-panel. So I can certainly imagine some possibilities there, but I don't fully blame the editor either. Shame that it played a role in scuttling the project.

    I've enjoyed certain series but I can't feel invested in what passes for their shared continuity these days.

It sounds like that's becoming more commonplace, hence they're aggressively promising a "back to basics" approach soon to combat falling sales. Somehow I doubt that means what it would have to mean to get me back after all of this time though.

    I'm quite looking forwards to the TV series adaptation of Runaways

The TV side of Marvel is getting quite aggressive itself... the Netflix shows (expanded to include a Punisher spin-off now too, in addition to Iron Fist and the Defenders), Cloak and Dagger, Runaways and The Inhumans. That's an impressive line-up, although admittedly Runaways is the only title I actually read much of myself.

I wonder if they'll have Old Lace... as I understand it, the Jurassic Park raptors were mostly puppets. Maybe they can buy one second-hand for production...

    Well, the work-life balance problem turned out to be sudden onset diabetis, so at least now I know why I'm sleeping 16 hours a day. It'll be a little while before I'm back to "normal" evidently.

Wow, that's scary... I'm sorry to hear that. Glad that you were able to get it diagnosed though, and I hope you're progressing well.

    As I mentioned, I quite liked the scenes at Hagatha's. There was a delightful sense of history there that added to the scene without becoming exposition or footnotes. Aella's ability to "see" magic was a great addition to the character (or was it always there? It's been a while since I've read her story) and the nods it suggested to Whitney's past were fun.

    Aella has probably always had the ability, but it's never been explicitly illustrated.

It's a good gimmick for her... gives her scenes a nice, unique flair and livened up the exposition with a bit of wonder. You know this writing thing pretty well.

    Yes, Hacker 9 is very pleased that he was finally able to put one over on Galactivac and the Hooded Hood.

He can surely throw his head back and laugh about it, confidently.

    Fun Cameo by the Necromancer General, by the way. I enjoy that villain. He's very classic BZL.

    He has a nice niche and enough ties to the wider Parodyverse to offer a bit of texture. He's really due for a bit of successful villainy to prevent him being too much of a joke, though.

He did cut out my heart. How much success does he need to be a threat?

    Next issue: the alternative "fan" ending.

I look forward to it whenever you can manage it!